
1.01 The academic unit and curriculum concerned with parks, recreation, tourism, and related professions shall have been in operation for three years and be clearly identifiable to the public.

Evidence of Compliance:

The Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies is one of 12 discreet departments in the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) at California State University Long Beach. Established in 1965, the department has been in existence for 47 years serving undergraduate and graduate populations. The department offers one undergraduate major: B.A. in Recreation. In the fall of 2013, REC will add to this, offering both a B.A. in Recreation and a B.A. in Recreation an option in Recreation Therapy. Offering Recreation Therapy as a distinct option allows the degree programs in Recreation and Recreation Therapy to share a common core curriculum, yet each require a distinct total number of units within a Bachelor of Arts degree.

The department and curriculum appear publicly in the CSULB Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019. The on-line catalog can be accessed via the links below:

CSULB Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019.

Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies in the 2018-2019 Catalog

College of Health and Human Services (CHHS)

Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies