
4.01 Professional development opportunities for academic unit faculty shall be sufficient to enable the program to accomplish its mission and operate in a manner consistent with its values.

Evidence of Compliance:

CSULB provides all faculty professional development opportunities through the Faculty Center for Professional Development. The center offers workshops, short courses, brown bag lunches, institutes, and consultations on topics ranging from incorporating technology into classes to scholarly writing. Additional information about the Faculty Center for Professional Development is available via this link: CSULB Faculty Center for Professional Development

In addition to on-campus opportunities, faculty are actively engaged in a wide range of off-campus professional development activities professional association membership, leadership, campus and community service, and research. All full time faculty participate in at least one professional conference each year. On the average, each faculty member participates in two or three local, regional, or national conferences per year. For details on specific conferences, please view full time faculty CV's.


This table summarizes faculty presentations and conference attendance for the last few years (2017-2019). Click on the table to expand it in Google Documents for a larger view.