
4.06 Full-time faculty members with appointments to the parks, recreation, tourism, and related professions program shall instruct at least 60 percent of the required courses within the curriculum.

Evidence of Compliance:

Since our last accreditation (2013), there has been a significant change in faculty due to retirements, reassignments, and faculty leaving the department. One challenge in replacing full time faculty has been related to the way FTE's are allocated by the CSU System. Once faculty leave, or retire, it takes one academic year for the position to be released for recruitment. Substantial efforts have been made to ensure qualified faculty are teaching our core classes, however due to the limitations for receiving approval to recruit tenure track and full time faculty, as well as reassignments and administrative duties for our department chair, ratios have fallen below 60% as we have been rebuilding the department.

Specifically, our largest turnover in staff occurred in Spring 2014, and drove our ratios below 60%. We have made efforts to increase these ratios as we filled vacancies, and by Fall 2017 we were back on track, with the exception of Fall 2018, because our department chair was assigned extra administrative duties. Spring 2019 and onward will be above 60%.

Faculty Ratios

Teaching Ratios for RLS Core Classes- Fall 2013-Fall 2018

RLS Faculty Changes

Changes in Faculty

Changes in full time faculty from Spring 2014-Spring 2018.