
6.01 Administrative support services shall be sufficient to enable the program to accomplish its mission and operate in a manner consistent with its values.

Evidence of Compliance:

Each Academic Department in the University and College is allocated Administrative Support Services based on the size of the Department (number of full-time faculty and students). The Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies is allocated one full-time Administrative Support Coordinator (ASC). The ASC is responsible for all records (personnel, student, administrative, fiscal, etc.), reception (all office visitors, student questions, etc.), communications (mail, telephone, computer communications, etc.), and whatever resources remain to assist faculty with academic needs (syllabi, tests, etc.).

In addition to the ASC, the Department has a part-time work-study student each semester who works on average between 10 – 15 hours per week. These students are supervised by the ASC and provide basic clerical skills (copying, filing, data entry, etc.), faculty support (delivery of reports/ files/memo’s to other departments on campus), office organization and other duties as assigned.