
6.04 There shall be classrooms, laboratory and teaching areas, and appropriate content- specific instructional areas for the academic unit.

Evidence of Compliance:

Classroom scheduling is constrained by campus-wide demand, with scheduling within the College coordinated by the Dean's office. The Department receives a space allocation during the planning phase for each semester. The Department Administrative Support Coordinator is able to assign classrooms via an administrative computing network. Departmental requests for additional space or for specific classrooms, or to accommodate specific instructional needs, are routinely made to the Dean’s office and are typically honored. The campus has increased student admissions in the past three years, further constraining classroom availability. Personnel from the Division of Academic Affairs and the Office of Enrollment Services meet annually to review college allocations and make adjustments.

Several internal grants were submitted by department faculty to create two mobile computer carts that consist of laptops and tablets for use by faculty and students in classes where access to devices is needed. For example, REC 341 Program Evaluation utilizes the mobile lab for instruction in research and evaluation methods. Additional classes such as REC 480 Philosophy of Leisure utilize the carts for instruction in developing a web-portfolio among other assignments.

The Department also has been resourceful in using additional off-campus lab space for the Therapeutic Recreation classes. Students enrolled in REC 453: Comprehensive Programming and Evaluation in Recreation Therapy and REC 458/558: Clinical Techniques in Recreation Therapy, used community settings with Long Beach Parks, Recreation & Marine, as well in the CSULB Student Recreation and Wellness Center.