What You'll Find on This Site. This site provides free innovative learning materials and sheet music for playing the piano. It uses a colored graphic notation system (tablature) that provides a more natural, user-friendly way of finding the keys than traditional notation. The notes are placed on (tablature-like) diagrams of the keyboard  (called key diagrams and key maps) that show (visually) exactly which keys to play - and for rhythm, the notes appear on timelines that show exactly how many beats are required for playing each sound.


For Teachers and Publishers - Although everyone is welcome, this site is designed primarily for educators and publishers who might be interested in creating a simpler and less stressful learning environment for students wanting to play a keyboard. Our instructional materials focus on learning to play songs, piano pieces and exercises of easy to moderate difficulty from keyboard diagrams and maps BEFORE introducing students to traditional notation.

Available Pieces and Collections -  In addition to our learning materials, there is a fairly large collection of more advanced materials notated on key maps - mainly classical pieces and collections - over a thousand pages. (We have also notated a number of contemporary pieces, but have not yet sought permission to publish them.)

Reductions in Learning Time and Stress. - One of our main objectives is to provide piano teachers with learning materials and sheet music that they can use to help their students learn to play in a shorter period of time and with a minimum of stress. You can view and download materials for a basic piano course (instructions, exercises and pieces) from this page: Basic Keyboard  Skills - Materials

More Detail. If you would like to work with a more detailed directory than the one above, the following link will take you to our annotated directory, which provides links, and also briefly describes the contents of each of each of these links: Annotated Directory and Intro 

DIRECTORY - This page.



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