About Key Map Versions

This page presents information about four

 key map color versions that we have found to be worthwhile.

Version codes are included in the file names of our links to the downloadable key map sheet music. You need to be aware that the versions differ only in their coloring schemes. The key map versions are all identical with regard to the configuration of the pitch and rhythm of the notes. This means that if you can play from any one of the versions, you will be able to play from the other versions as well.

To a great extent, the differences between the versions are matters of aesthetics. You may like one version better than another simply as a matter of preference. In some cases, you may find one version seems to be a bit easier to play than another. Basically, these versions allow you to choose color versions you like to play from best.

Additionally, there is one use that we make of color that is fundamentally important - beyond the aesthetics. That is, color contrast is used on all versions to clearly show which hand is used to play each note.

Note colors are specified both for a note's border and for the note's fill

Version S - Standard Coloring - We have chosen two of these versions to call "standard" - perhaps because they seem to be the simplest, though they aren't necessarily any "better" than the others. 

Fill: LH/White   |   RH/ White

Border: LH/Red   |   RH/Black 

 Version SP - Standard/Pink - RH same as Version S; LH changed

Fill: LH/Pink   |   RH/White

Border: LH/Black   |   RH/Black


Version C - Colored Rhythm - This version varies the fill color of both hands based on the length of each note (rhythm). Note fill of a whole beat or multiples of a whole beat is White. Fractional beats and some multiples: 1/2 beat is yellow;   1/3 beat is green; 1/4 beat is blue; shorter than 1/4 beat is red. 

Border: LH/Red   |   RH/Black

Version CP - Colored/Pink - This is a colored C version in which the left hand has a pink fill and the right hand has the rhythm coloring fill. Borders are the same as in the C version.

Appearance in the File Names - The version codes appear in the file names so that you can select which version you want to view. The codes appear right after the name of the musical piece as follows: vS; vSP; vC; or vCP.

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