Focus on the Grand Staff

This page lists the units making up this Learning Series. A link for reading or downloading each unit is found at the end of the page.

For samples of graded levels of music in this grand staff series,

click on this link: PG and RT Examples

For more information about our four learning series,

 click on this link: Learning Series

You will find binder covers and section dividers for your printed units

 here: Binder Organizer

Instructional Units

PG-01 - About the Reader's Versions of the Grand Staff

PG-03 - Piano Keyboard Master Chart

PG-05 - About the Grand Staff Notes

PG-10 - Flash Cards of the Notes of the Grand Staff

PG-15 - Grand Staff Prep Exercises

PG-20 - On-Staff Reading Exercises - Schmitt

PG-40 - Traditional Rhythm Notation - Worksheets


PG-16 - Favorite Folk and Children's Songs

PG-18 - Bible Songs for Kids

PG-25 - Traditional Christmas Carols - on mostly black keys

PG-30 - Famous Musical Themes from Show Tunes

Within each of the of the above groups, the instructional  units are listed in the order in which they are intended to be studied. The collections can be played in the same time frame as the instructional units.

You will find more collections of pieces on the following page:

Pieces on GRAND STAFF 

Note that the links to the units below are in alpha-numeric order. They are NOT in the order that you study them. You study them in the order indicated above.

Easy Access to Our Instructional Materials and Sheet Music is provided at the end (bottom) of each page on which they are offered: For immediate viewing of your selected file: Click on the name of the file to bring its contents on to your screen for viewing. For more information on access to our files, view this page: View, Print, Save