SM64 N64 Cap Power Codes

Cap Box Mix-up (JS)

This code swaps what you get from the item boxes that give caps. You'll get metal cap from the wing cap boxes, vanish cap from the metal cap boxes and wing cap from the vanish cap boxes. 


802FCD63 0086

812FCD66 3DD8

802FCD6B 0088

812FCD6E 3E1C

802FCD73 0087

812FCD76 3DB8


80330BA3 0086

81330BA6 3DD8

80330BAB 0088

81330BAE 3E1C

80330BB3 0087

81330BB6 3DB8

D-pad cap powers (JS)

In any level, press D-pad right for wing cap, D-pad down for metal cap, D-pad left for vanish cap or D-pad up to return Mario to normal, If you go into another level Mario will return to his normal self but you can just press a D-pad direction to change Mario again.


D0309260 0008

80309437 0011

D0309260 0001

80309437 0019

D0309260 0004

80309437 0015

D0309260 0002

80309437 0013


D033AFA0 0008

8033B177 0011

D033AFA0 0001

8033B177 0019

D033AFA0 0004

8033B177 0015

D033AFA0 0002

8033B177 0013

Press L for random cap power (JS)

Hold the shoulder L button to quickly cycle through the different cap powers; let go of L to be able to use the selected cap power. The cap power will be gone when you enter a course but you can just press L to change the cap power again.


8130B000 3C04

8130B002 8031

8130B004 948A

8130B006 9260

8130B008 2408

8130B00A 0020

8130B00C 150A

8130B00E 0003

8130B010 9485

8130B012 9436

8130B014 24A5

8130B016 0001

8130B018 A485

8130B01A 9436

8130B01C 03E0

8130B01E 0008

810E3720 8030

810E3722 B000


8133D3D0 3C04

8133D3D2 8034

8133D3D4 948A

8133D3D6 AFA0

8133D3D8 2408

8133D3DA 0020

8133D3DC 150A

8133D3DE 0003

8133D3E0 9485

8133D3E2 B176

8133D3E4 24A5

8133D3E6 0001

8133D3E8 A485

8133D3EA B176

8133D3EC 03E0

8133D3EE 0008

810EE060 8033

810EE062 D3D0


D-Pad Cap Spawning


80330E94 0003

8133D2DE 0001

812CB2BE 3E1C

812CB2C2 0088

812CB30A 3DD8

812CB30E 0086

812CB356 3DB8

812CB35A 0087


802FD054 0003

8130AF0E 0001

812A41BA 3E1C

812A41BE 0088

812A41F6 3DD8

812A41FA 0086

812A423E 3DB8

812A4242 0087

Three Blue Flames Come Out Of Cap Blocks


802FCD63 0000

812FCD66 1A0C

802FCD6B 0000

812FCD6E 1A0C

802FCD73 0000

812FCD76 1A0C


80330BA3 0000

81330BA6 1A0C

80330BAB 0000

81330BAE 1A0C

80330BB3 0000

81330BB6 1A0C

D-pad cap powers (2) 

In any level, press D-pad right for wing cap, D-pad down for metal cap, D-pad left for vanish cap or D-pad up to return Mario to normal, If you go into another level Mario will return to his normal self but you can just press a D-pad direction to change Mario again. 


D0309260 0008 

80309437 0001 

D0309260 0001 

80309437 0009 

D0309260 0004 

80309437 0005 

D0309260 0002 

80309437 0003 


D033AFA0 0008 

8033B177 0001 

D033AFA0 0001 

8033B177 0009 

D033AFA0 0004 

8033B177 0005 

D033AFA0 0002 

8033B177 0003 

Note: Mario will have the cap power but he will not have the cap on! 

D-pad cap powers (3) 

In any level, press D-pad right for wing cap, D-pad down for metal cap, D-pad left for vanish cap or D-pad up to return Mario to normal, If you go into another level Mario will return to his normal self but you can just press a D-pad direction to change Mario again. 


D0309260 0008 

80309437 0021 

D0309260 0001 

80309437 0029 

D0309260 0004 

80309437 0025 

D0309260 0002 

80309437 0023 


D033AFA0 0008 

8033B177 0021 

D033AFA0 0001 

8033B177 0029 

D033AFA0 0004 

8033B177 0025 

D033AFA0 0002 

8033B177 0023 

D-pad cap powers (4) 

In any level, press D-pad right for wing cap, D-pad down for metal cap, D-pad left for vanish cap or D-pad up to return Mario to normal, If you go into another level Mario will return to his normal self but you can just press a D-pad direction to change Mario again. 


D0309260 0008 

80309437 0031 

D0309260 0001 

80309437 0039 

D0309260 0004 

80309437 0035 

D0309260 0002 

80309437 0033 


D033AFA0 0008 

8033B177 0031 

D033AFA0 0001 

8033B177 0039 

D033AFA0 0004 

8033B177 0035 

D033AFA0 0002 

8033B177 0033 

D-pad cap powers (5) 

In any level, press D-pad right for wing/vanish cap, D-pad down for metal cap with wings, D-pad left for all three cap powers, D-pad up for metal/vanish cap and press L to return to normal Mario, If you go into another level Mario will return to his normal self but you can just press a D-pad direction to change Mario again, and press L to return to normal Mario. 


D0309260 0008 

80309437 0007 

D0309260 0001 

80309437 000A 

D0309260 0004 

80309437 000C 

D0309260 0002 

80309437 000E 

D0309261 0020 

80309260 0000 


D033AFA0 0008 

8033B177 0007 

D033AFA0 0001 

8033B177 000A 

D033AFA0 0004 

8033B177 000C 

D033AFA0 0002 

8033B177 000E 

D033AFA1 0020 

8033B177 0000 

Note: Mario will have the cap power but he will not have the cap on! 

D-pad cap powers (6) 

In any level, press D-pad right for wing/vanish cap, D-pad down for metal cap with wings, D-pad left for all three cap powers, D-pad up for metal/vanish cap and press L to return to normal Mario, If you go into another level Mario will return to his normal self but you can just press a D-pad direction to change Mario again, and press L to return to normal Mario. 


D0309260 0008 

80309437 0017 

D0309260 0001 

80309437 001A 

D0309260 0004 

80309437 001C 

D0309260 0002 

80309437 001E 

D0309261 0020 

80309437 0010 


D033AFA0 0008 

8033B177 0017 

D033AFA0 0001 

8033B177 001A 

D033AFA0 0004 

8033B177 001C 

D033AFA0 0002 

8033B177 001E 

D033AFA1 0020 

8033B177 0010 

D-pad cap powers (7) 

In any level, press D-pad right for wing/vanish cap, D-pad down for metal cap with wings, D-pad left for all three cap powers, D-pad up for metal/vanish cap and press L to return to normal Mario, If you go into another level Mario will return to his normal self but you can just press a D-pad direction to change Mario again, and press L to return to normal Mario. 


D0309260 0008 

80309437 0027 

D0309260 0001 

80309437 002A 

D0309260 0004 

80309437 002C 

D0309260 0002 

80309437 002E 

D0309261 0020 

80309437 0020 


D033AFA0 0008 

8033B177 0027 

D033AFA0 0001 

8033B177 002A 

D033AFA0 0004 

8033B177 002C 

D033AFA0 0002 

8033B177 002E 

D033AFA1 0020 

8033B177 0020 

D-pad cap powers (8) 

In any level, press D-pad right for wing/vanish cap, D-pad down for metal cap with wings, D-pad left for all three cap powers, D-pad up for metal/vanish cap and press L to return to normal Mario, If you go into another level Mario will return to his normal self but you can just press a D-pad direction to change Mario again, and press L to return to normal Mario. 


D0309260 0008 

80309437 0037 

D0309260 0001 

80309437 003A 

D0309260 0004 

80309437 003C 

D0309260 0002 

80309437 003E 

D0309261 0020 

80309260 0030 


D033AFA0 0008 

8033B177 0037 

D033AFA0 0001 

8033B177 003A 

D033AFA0 0004 

8033B177 003C 

D033AFA0 0002 

8033B177 003E 

D033AFA1 0020 

8033B177 0030 

Payton Samuels

Cap Block Mix-Up

Turn this code on before the title screen appears. The wing cap blocks will be metal cap blocks, the metal cap blocks will be vanish cap blocks and the vanish cap blocks will be wing cap blocks.


813319C2 2250

813319C4 0089

813319C6 0001

813319CA 2250

813319CC 0089

813319CE 0002

813319D2 2250

813319D4 0089

813319D6 0000


Cap power on command

Hold L to activate a Cap power


D133AFA0 0020

8033B177 00??

D133AFA0 0000

8033B177 0010

?? = 

12 Invisible 

15 Metal

16 Invisible Metal 

19 Wing


Unlimited cap power

Using this code caps that you get from the boxes will last forever.


813094E6 0700


8133B226 0700

All content of this and related pages is copyright (c) James S. 2003-2023