Hiding IGPro Data in Edline

Please follow the instructions below if you do NOT want to post grades and assignments to Edline for individual tasks:

    1. In order to NOT send certain tasks or sheets to Edline, the teachers must choose ‘Edit Tasks’ from the Tasks Menu.

    2. When they click on one of the tasks to the left, they will see a checked box stating ‘Allow export to Integrade Pro Link.”

    3. They should click on each task and uncheck the box for that task. If they uncheck all the tasks in a given sheet, the data from that sheet will not be sent to Edline. DO THIS EACH TIME YOU CREATE A NEW TASK SO IT WILL NOT APPEAR IN EDLINE!

Those of you who DO want to post grades to Edline, please note:

In the notes section for each task, teachers may enter a description of that task if they want it to appear on Edline. Warn them that if data is in this field, it will appear on Edline – this is not a place for private notation.