SIMulation Optimisation Numérique et Enseignement

Simone includes the design of a SHB rig and the simulation of a test.

The striker, the input par and the ouput bar can be defined independently by dimensions and material elastic properties. The gauge positions can be chosen anywhere in the bar.

Simone first defines sample dimensions and material behaviour, which is assumed elastoplastic with positive or negative strain hardening. Then it provides a fast simulation of a test made with the predefined rig.

If a specific strain-rate is requested, given a material behaviour, Simone suggests a set of striker speed and specimen dimensions.

Simone can be used to optimize test parameters as well as to teach Hopkinson bars techniques.

You can use Simone (4.32- 230214)  for free.

First download and run Matlab Runtime (that you find in Linda's page).

Then download which contains all the needed files.

Extract these files in the same folder and run simone.exe