Reading Numbers.mp4

Reading Numbers

Squiggleworth 3d numbers.mp4


3 Digit Numbers

Squiggleworth 2dp.mp4


Decimal Numbers

There are only a few number facts we expect children to learn, and so although it is correct to refer to them as facts, it is actually more helpful to call the ones we wish ones to learn 'Learn Its'.

A 'Learn It' is a number fact that is learnt so well that it can be recalled instantly. They should know all 'Learn Its' as well as they know 1+1, or as well as they know their name! With genuine recall of facts there is no thinking time.

'Learn Its' save us from counting again and again. They are number facts that we need repeatedly in core numeracy, outer numeracy and real life maths.

Children simply cannot be properly numerate without strong recall of 'Learn Its'.

There are 72 'Learn Its' in total.

(36 addition 'Learn Its' and 36 multiplication 'Learn Its')

Doubling without crossing 10.mp4


Without Crossing 10

Halving 2d.mp4


Jigsaw Numbers to 100.mp4

Jigsaw Numbers

Multiplying by 10.mp4

Multiplying by 10

Multiplying by 100.mp4

Multiplying by 100

Multiplying decimals by 10.mp4

Multiplying a decimal by 10

Dividing Multiples of 10 by 10.mp4

Dividing Multiples of
10 by 10

Dividing whole numbers by 10.mp4

Dividing Whole Numbers
by 10

Smile Multiplication.mp4

Smile Multiplication

Fact Families.mp4

Fact Families

Coin Multiplication.mp4

Coin Multiplication

FAB Addition 2d + 2d.mp4

FAB Addition

Parking / Fang Method

Subtraction Bridging Method.mp4


Bridging Method

FAB Miltiplication 1d x 3d.mp4

FAB Multiplication

Multiplication Grid Method.mp4


Grid Method

FAB Division with remainder.mp4
