Dosbarth Caerphilly

Year 2

Welcome to our class page

Class Teacher: Mrs Melissa Trowbridge

LSA: Miss Kay Mack

PE Day - Thursday PM

Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear on this day!

Our topic this term is...

Twisted Tales

MT Spring 22 Termly letter to Parents.docx.pdf


We promote Welsh language and culture at every opportunity in and around the school, see below for language patterns we are working on so that you can practice them at home.

Welsh Language Patterns

Beth ydy hwn? Answer with a noun.

What is this?

Pa liw ydy’r [noun]?

Which colour is the

Pa liw wyt ti’n hoffi?

Which colour do you like?

Dw i ddim yn hoffi [noun].

I don’t like

Wyt ti’n hoffi [noun]? Ydw/Nag ydw

Do you like [colour/noun]? Yes/No

Sawl un sy’ eisiau [noun]?

How many want

  • Dw i eisiau

I want

Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw?

How’s the weather today?

Mae hi’n [weather pattern] ac yn [weather pattern].

It is [weather pattern] and [weather pattern].

Dw i’n gwisgo [clothing + colour].

I am wearing a

Beth wyt ti’n wisgo?

What are you wearing?

Wyt ti’n gwisgo [clothing]?

Are you wearing a

Ydw/Nag ydw


Ble rwyt ti’n byw? Dw i’n byw yn [name of place].

Where do you live? I live in [name of place].

Oes/Nag oes


Sut mae [Sam]?

How is

Mae [Sam] yn [feeling].

[Sam] is [feeling].

Archived Class Pages

Caerphilly Class 2020/2021