Welcome to our Coronavirus Support

This page contains useful information to support you and your family.

Please DO NOT hesitate to contact the school or a trusted adult if you are experiencing difficulties.

We will all get through this together. We are always here to support you.

Stay at home if you or anyone in your extended household has symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)

The most important symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of one or more of the following:

  • new continuous cough

  • high temperature

  • loss of or change to your normal sense of smell or taste (anosmia)

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness. However, if you have any of the symptoms above you must self-isolate at home and arrange to have a test to see if you have COVID-19.

Please inform the school immediately if you or anyone in your extended household are display symptoms of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Related Pupil Absence - A quick guide for parents

COVID-19 Related Pupil Absence.pdf

Proposed timetable of staggered start and finish times for all classes

**COVID19 - Due to the press release last week which stated, ‘Wearing three layer face coverings or masks, where it is safe to do so, whilst in work, in supermarkets and other indoor or crowded public spaces’, from tomorrow we are politely requesting that adults bringing children to school and collecting them at the end of the day,wear face masks. **

Please note if you have more than one child in the school, they must arrive and be collected from the school together. You should select the time that applies to the child with the earliest arrival and departure time.

To maintain the social distancing, it is essential that ALL parents are punctual when bringing children to school and keep strictly to their designated times. Please also ensure that you adhere to the one-way system around the school at all times, even if the classroom you need to access is on the furthest end of the building.

Return to school - A guide for Parents and Pupils

Parent return to School Handbook V4.pdf

Supporting Children with Learning Disabilities/ASD
