Dosbarth Oystermouth

Year 6

Welcome to our class page

Class Teacher: Mrs Rebecca Harris

LSA: Mrs Tina Broad

PE Day - Monday

Please ensure your child wears appropriate footwear on this day!

Our topic this term is...

Would you rather be a child of the past or present?

See our table of ideas for this term's topic, created by the children: 

Class Announcements

It is such an important year for our Year 6 children. They are nearing the end of their primary education and are getting ready for comprehensive school. We aim to make this year enjoyable, yet challenging for your child to ensure that they are ready for the next step in their learning journey. We want to them to be the best they can be and will do everything we can to support them this year. 


Mrs R. Harris & Mrs T. Broad. 

Homework-Gwaith cartref

Homework will go home / found on google classroom on a Friday and needs be returned by the following Wednesday . It is vital that your child completes the homework weekly.
Google classroom code has been sent home with your child, please ask if you require this code again or any support in accessing the online learning platform. 

Please can you ensure your child is reading every night for 5-10 minutes. It is your child's responsibility to take their reading book home with them. 

Reading on a regular basis is so important; it helps us to develop our vocabulary store, our imagination, our fluency and expression.

All dinner money needs to be paid via Parent Pay 


We promote Welsh language and culture at every opportunity in and around the school, see below for  language patterns we are working on so that you can practice them at home.

Here are some of the langugae patterns we use in class: 

Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?

Beth ydy dy enw di?

Beth ydy dy oed di?

Ble rwyt ti'n byw? 

Beth wyt ti'n hoffi wneud? 

Here's a link to some Welsh websites to help with learning: 

National Test Papers

Below are sample papers from the National Test. Although these tests are now online, it is helpful to familiarise yourself with the question styles and work through questions. Pupils will participate in the tests during the Autumn and Summer Terms. If you are unsure of questions, write them down and we'll work through them in school. 


Procedural Sample Paper



Procedural Sample Paper 2


Procedural Sample Paper 


Procedural Sample Paper 4 

year-6-2015 (1).pdf

Reasoning Sample Paper 1 

year-6-2016 (1).pdf

Reasoning Sample Paper 2 


Reasoning Sample Paper


year-6-2018 (1).pdf

Reasoning Sample Paper

year-6-2015 (2).pdf

Reading Sample Paper 1

year-6-2017 (1).pdf

Reading Sample Paper 2

year-6-2017 (1).pdf

Reading Sample Paper 3

year-6-2018 (2).pdf

Reading Sample Paper 4 

Archived Class Pages

Oystermouth 2020/2021