Dosbarth Castell Coch

Learning Resource Base

Welcome to our class page

Class Teacher: Mrs Amanda Bateman

LSA: Miss Alison Evans

LSA: Miss Lauren Weaver

Our topic this term is...

Once Upon a Time

once upon a time Grid for medium term planning.pdf

Autumn Term 2021

Our topic is Dangerous Dinosaurs..

This term we will be learning.......

Language, Literacy and Communication

Action songs and rhymes

Matching games

Role play - home corner, health centre, vets

Learning Jolly Phonic letter songs

Listening to a variety of stories

Contributing to class books

Retelling parts of favourite stories

Writing invitations, letters to Santa, firework poems, instructions

Maths and Numeracy

Counting animals, body parts and a variety of different objects

Sing counting songs

Solving problems involving body parts, party planning and Noah’s Ark

Investigating patterns - using different media, instruments, and natural materials

Exploring 2D shapes

Sorting activities

Simple surveys

Expressive Arts

Print making

Investigation colour and paint techniques

Ephemeral art using natural materials

Making party hats and banners

Jungle obstacle course

Moving like animals

Singing and signing

Health and Well Being

Classroom rules and routines

Learning how to play and communicate with others

Developing independence in personal care

Activities to develop fine motor skills

RE - Noah's Ark, Harvest, Diwali and Christmas


People who help us......

at home

in school

emergency services

Science and Technology

Dinosaur and fossil hunts

Classifying dinosaurs

Melting ice investigation

Spring welly walks- collecting natural materials and sorting.

Sorting dinosaurs according to different features and if they were carnivores or herbivores

Fun in the woods

Walking through the jungle,

What can you see?

Can you hear a noise?

What could it be?

Archived Class Pages

Castell Coch Class 2020/2021