Dosbarth Conwy


Welcome to our class page


Class Teacher: Miss Lauren Burke/ Miss C Salter

LSA: Miss Melinda Perks 

PE Day - Tuesday 

Please ensure your child has shorts and T-shirt. These can be kept in a bag in school and returned every few weeks.

Wellie Wednesdays -

Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies and coat in school for this.

Our topic this term is...

All About Me / Signs of Autumn 

Class Announcements


Please ensure that you have joined our Class Seesaw page. This is so important as we will post any key announcements and information there. We will also upload lots of lovely learning each week too! The children love to see you like and comment on their work!

All children are provided with milk or water everyday. Please provide your child with a healthy snack i.e. fruit or vegetables. 

No squash or pop to be brought into school please.

Please ensure your child's name is on all items of clothing.

Homework-Gwaith Cartref

Homework will be posted weekly on our Seesaw page.

Reading books and sounds will be sent home shortly (more details to follow)

Reading story books together on a regular basis is so important; it helps us to develop our vocabulary store, our imagination, our fluency and expression.

All dinners need to be booked online, on ParentPay

Read Write Inc

The children will take part in daily RWI sessoins. Please continue to practise reading and writing letter sounds regularly at home.

 CYD Maths

The children will paarticipate in daily CYD Maths sessions to develop basic number skills. Please encourage your children to recognise, read and write numbers to 10.

Useful websites:

Phonic games -

Reading activities -

Reading books & activities - 

Maths and Literacy games - 

Variety of games -

PE with Joe Wicks - are currently offering free accounts to access a wide range of interactive and printable activities


We promote Welsh language and culture at every opportunity in and around the school, see below for  language patterns we are working on so that you can practice them at home. 

Nursery Language Patterns 

Good morning, Good afternoon, Goodnight, Goodbye

Reception Language Patterns

▪ Ga i fynd i’r tŷ bach os gwelwch yn dda? - Can I go to the toilet please? 

▪ Ga i [noun + colour] os gwelwch yn dda? - Can I have a [noun + colour] please? 

▪ Beth sy’ yn y [noun]? - What is in the [noun]

Sut wyt ti heddiw? - How are you today? 

Dw i’n dda iawn diolch/fendigedig/ofnadwy. - I am very well thank you/wonderful/terrible. 

Dw i wedi blino. - I am tired. 

Beth sy’n bod, [pupil name]? - What is the matter, [pupil name]?  

Mae [body part] tost gyda fi. -  I have a bad [body part]

Trueni, o diar! - What a pity, oh dear! 

Dim byd. -  Nothing. 

Beth wyt ti’n hoffi? - What do you like? 

Dw i’n hoffi [noun/colour]. - I like 

Beth wyt ti’n gwisgo? - What are you wearing? 

Dw i’n gwisgo [noun]. -  I am wearing a 

Wyt ti eisiau [noun]? Ydw/Nag ydw -  Do you want a [noun]? Yes/No 

Sut mae’r tywydd?  - How is the weather? 

Mae hi’n heulog/bwrw glaw/wyntog/ oer. - it is sunny/raining/windy/cold. 

Pa siâp ydy hwn? cylch, sgwâr, triongl, petryal -  Which shape is this? circle, square, triangle

Archived Class Pages

Conwy Class 2020/2021