Chick Season 2024


Starting in March we will offer chick pickups every other weekend until late May.  Chicks and ducklings sell out quickly, so it's always best to pre-order.  Pickups happen between 10am and 1pm at Left Field Garden Supply in SE Portland. We will also have a few chicks available at other times as well as pullets in May.  Info here

Chicks and ducklings never go home solo as we firmly stick to the buddy system for their health and well-being. It is totally fine to order at least two chicks (can be different breeds) from one order and at least two chicks from another order within two weeks of each other for sought after flock diversity.  Chicks and ducklings and brooder rental kits will be reserved via email (details below). Each order is named after a past or present hen in our flock.  Prices are per chick. Each breed has a link to breed information and our anecdotes.  Roosters, meat birds and goslings available by special order. Large orders (more than 12 chicks) will get a 10% discount. 

We can't wait to put your order together! Have a quick question? Email us! Want to talk more in depth? Schedule a consultation here

To order, send an email to with

We'll email you back with payment information. Once payment is received, chicks are reserved! As the chick pickup date nears you'll receive another email with pickup information.

Example order:

email subject line: Leslie Pierce

Body of email:

Order Ramona - pickup April 20 or 21

Order Beezus - pickup May 4 or 5

Order Sabine - pickup May 18 or 19

Chick Sales Fine Print:  We work with hatcheries that have been responsibly breeding poultry since the 1930s, 40s and 80s.  The chicks are shipped from either Iowa, Missouri, Oregon or California to Portland in the safest way possible. Did you know that chicks hatch with 2-3 days worth of yolk in their system?  Just like when hatched with a mama hen, they don't need to eat or drink for the first few days.  The minute they land at the Sellwood Post Office, we are there to pick them up.  Once the peeping box is home, each chick is examined, hydrated with water containing electrolytes and tucked into a cozy brooder. After everyone has had a drink, the organic chick feed, sprinkled with chick grit and dried herbs comes out and it's a chick party! The mortality rate for chicks shipped from these particular hatcheries is extremely low. All chicks are vaccinated for Marek's Disease. All chicks and ducklings are sexed. Thanks to the professional chick sexers employed by the hatcheries, at least 90% of our chicks will grow up to be hens! Rooster Policy: If you end up with one and we confirm via emailed pictures, we will help with next steps (e.g. rehoming, passing along for harvest, etc.). No refunds for roosters.