Who's Available Now?


These chicks are currently in our brooder and availble for pickup at Left Field Garden Supply as soon as we decide on a day and time. These cuties still need heat so they must be kept in a brooder until approximately 6 weeks of age (if you're looking for chickens that are ready for life outside, keep scrolling to the Pullet Pen section).  Brooder chicks are sold in pairs with breeds, hatch date and price listed below. Found a match for your flock? Email us at flockcitypdx@gmail.com to arrange payment and pickup!

The brooder is currently quiet.  :)


These cuties are past the brooder stage and living life outside! Does this mean I can toss them in with my adult birds? Nope! These pullets don't need a brooder but they do need a protected space within your coop or run so that they can get to know their big sisters in a safe way before joining the flock. Don't have adult birds but do have a coop? These pullets are ready to bring your coop to life! All pullets are sold in pairs and you can find the available ones here