
These Flock City pullets are ready to join your flock! They were all hatched on March 5th and vaccinated for Marek's Disease. They have been living life outside without heat and have transitioned to grower feed.  I've handled them often and they are generally calm and inquisitive. Ready to make a pair yours? Email flockcitypdx@gmail.com with the following info:

Pair 1: The Pageant Queens!

Did you know Lent's does a Chicken Beauty Contest? Yup and these two would be top contenders! Lavender Orpingtons are a beautiful shade of blue/gray with dark gray feet, beaks and eyes. Her Americana buddy has the most stirking black beard against bright yellow head and chest feathers. These two will provide blue and brown eggs for the carton. 


Pair 2: Finley's Favorites

Right?! These two are a hoot and my 14 year old has really enjoyed them.  The Delaware has bright white feathers with black markings starting to show around her neck and tail. The Americana has a brown beard with a mix of yellow, brown and orange feathers on her back. They'll add blue and brown eggs to the carton.


Pair 3: Heritage Classics

Looking for a couple of tried and true breeds with great instincts and a lot of confidence? This is the pair for you! Buckeyes have dark orange/red feathers and a very calm temperament. Delawares shine with their bright white feathers with black markings around their necks and tails and their steadfastness. Both hens will add lots of brown eggs to the carton. 


Pair 4: The Winter Layers

Those cute pea combs make for some great winter hardiness! It also typically means more winter egg laying. Yay! The Americana has super rare coloring with a yellow beard and yellow and blue feathers throughout. These two will add blue and brown eggs to the carton. 


Pair 5: Cute and Curious

Lavender Orpingtons are just cute, cute, cute. And Delawares are just curious, curious, curious. The Delawares in the pullet pen are always the first to the door, ready to check out whatever I'm bringing. They are fast maturers with good instincts. Both these cuties will add brown eggs to the carton.