
Using an Exception Handler

The following examples demonstrate the use of an exception handler.

Example 1

The following code fragment uses structured exception handling to check whether a division operation on two 32-bit integers will result in an division-by-zero error. If this occurs, the function returns FALSE — otherwise it returns TRUE.

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BOOL SafeDiv(INT32 dividend, INT32 divisor, INT32 *pResult) { __try { *pResult = dividend / divisor; } __except(GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }

Example 2

The following example function calls the DebugBreak function and uses structured exception handling to check for a breakpoint exception. If one occurs, the function returns FALSE — otherwise it returns TRUE.

The filter expression in the example uses the GetExceptionCode function to check the exception type before executing the handler. This enables the system to continue its search for an appropriate handler if some other type of exception occurs.

Also, use of the return statement in the __try block of an exception handler differs from the use of return in the __try block of a termination handler, which causes an abnormal termination of the __try block. This is an valid use of the return statement in an exception handler.

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BOOL CheckForDebugger() { __try { DebugBreak(); } __except(GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { // No debugger is attached, so return FALSE // and continue. return FALSE; } return TRUE; }

Only return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER from an exception filter when the exception type is expected and the faulting address is known. You should allow the default exception handler to process unexpected exception types and faulting addresses.

Example 3

The following example shows the interaction of nested handlers. The RaiseException function causes an exception in the guarded body of a termination handler that is inside the guarded body of an exception handler. The exception causes the system to evaluate the FilterFunction function, whose return value in turn causes the exception handler to be invoked. However, before the exception-handler block is executed, the __finally block of the termination handler is executed because the flow of control has left the __try block of the termination handler.

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DWORD FilterFunction() { printf("1 "); // printed first return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } VOID main(VOID) { __try { __try { RaiseException( 1, // exception code 0, // continuable exception 0, NULL); // no arguments } __finally { printf("2 "); // this is printed second } } __except ( FilterFunction() ) { printf("3\n"); // this is printed last } }

Using a Termination Handler

The following example shows how a termination handler is used to ensure that resources are released when execution of a guarded body of code terminates. In this case, a thread uses the EnterCriticalSection function to wait for ownership of a critical section object. When the thread is finished executing the code that is protected by the critical section, it must call the LeaveCriticalSection function to make the critical section object available to other threads. Using a termination handler guarantees that this will happen. For more information, see critical section objects.

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LPTSTR lpBuffer = NULL; CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection; // EnterCriticalSection synchronizes code with other threads. EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection); __try { // Perform a task that may cause an exception. lpBuffer = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, 10); StringCchCopy(lpBuffer, 10, TEXT("Hello")); _tprintf(TEXT("%s\n"),lpBuffer); LocalFree(lpBuffer); } __finally { // LeaveCriticalSection is called even if an exception occurred. LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection); }

Using a Vectored Exception Handler

The following sample code demonstrates how to use vectored exception handling. It uses the AddVectoredExceptionHandler function to add several handlers, tests the handlers, then uses the RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler function to remove the handlers.

64-bit Windows: This code is not suitable for 64-bit Windows.

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#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> //addVectoredExceptionHandler constants: //CALL_FIRST means call this exception handler first; //CALL_LAST means call this exception handler last #define CALL_FIRST 1 #define CALL_LAST 0 LONG Sequence=1; LONG Actual[3]; LONG WINAPI VectoredHandler1( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ) { Actual[0] = Sequence++; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } LONG WINAPI VectoredHandler2( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ) { Actual[1] = Sequence++; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } LONG WINAPI VectoredHandler3( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ) { Actual[2] = Sequence++; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } LONG WINAPI VectoredHandlerSkip1( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ) { PCONTEXT Context; Sequence++; Context = ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord; Actual[0] = 0xcc; Context->Eip++; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } LONG WINAPI VectoredHandlerSkip2( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ) { PCONTEXT Context; Sequence++; Context = ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord; Actual[1] = 0xcc; Context->Eip++; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } LONG WINAPI VectoredHandlerSkip3( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ) { PCONTEXT Context; Sequence++; Context = ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord; Actual[2] = 0xcc; Context->Eip++; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } BOOL CheckTest( char *Variation, PLONG e, PLONG a ) { int i; BOOL Pass = TRUE; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { if (e[i] != a[i]) { if (Variation) { printf("%s Failed at %d Expected %d vs Actual %d\n", Variation, i, e[i], a[i]); } Pass = FALSE; } // Clear actual for next pass. a[i] = 0; } // Get ready for next pass. Sequence = 1; if (Variation) { printf("Variation %s %s\n", Variation, Pass ? "Passed" : "Failed"); } return Pass; } void CheckAllClear() { LONG e[3]; BOOL b; e[0]=0;e[1]=0;e[2]=0; __try { RaiseException(1,0,0,NULL); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { b = CheckTest(NULL,e,Actual); } if (!b) { printf("Fatal error, handlers still registered.\n"); } } void IllegalInst() { _asm {cli}; } void Test1() { PVOID h1,h2,h3; LONG e[3]; e[0]=1;e[1]=2;e[2]=3; h2 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_FIRST,VectoredHandler2); h3 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_LAST,VectoredHandler3); h1 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_FIRST,VectoredHandler1); __try { RaiseException(1,0,0,NULL); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { CheckTest("Test1a",e,Actual); } RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h1); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h3); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h2); CheckAllClear(); } void Test2() { PVOID h1,h2,h3; LONG e[3]; e[0]=0xcc;e[1]=0;e[2]=0; h1 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1,VectoredHandlerSkip1); IllegalInst(); CheckTest("Test2a",e,Actual); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h1); CheckAllClear(); e[0]=1;e[1]=2;e[2]=0xcc; h2 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_FIRST,VectoredHandler2); h3 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_LAST,VectoredHandlerSkip3); h1 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_FIRST,VectoredHandler1); IllegalInst(); CheckTest("Test2b",e,Actual); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h1); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h2); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h3); CheckAllClear(); e[0]=1;e[1]=0xcc;e[2]=0; h1 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_LAST,VectoredHandler1); h2 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_LAST,VectoredHandlerSkip2); h3 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_LAST,VectoredHandler3); IllegalInst(); CheckTest("Test2c",e,Actual); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h1); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h2); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h3); CheckAllClear(); e[0]=2;e[1]=0xcc;e[2]=1; h1 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_LAST,VectoredHandler1); h3 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_FIRST,VectoredHandler3); h2 = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(CALL_LAST,VectoredHandlerSkip2); __try { IllegalInst(); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // Should not make it to here. e[0]=0;e[1]=0;e[2]=0; CheckTest("Test2d-1",e,Actual); } CheckTest("Test2d-2",e,Actual); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h1); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h2); RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(h3); CheckAllClear(); } void main( ) { Test1(); Test2(); }