Stable Matching Problem

Problem: Given N men and N women, find a "suitable" matching between men and women.

- Participants rate members of opposite sex.

- Each man lists women in order of preference from best to worst.

- Each woman lists men in order of preference.

PERFECT MATCHING: everyone is matched monogamously.

– each man gets exactly one woman

– each woman gets exactly one man

STABILITY: no incentive for some pair of participants to undermine assignment by joint action.

– in matching M, an unmatched pair (m,w) is UNSTABLE if man m and woman w prefer each other to current partners

– unstable pair could each improve by dumping spouses and eloping

STABLE MATCHING = perfect matching with no unstable pairs.


assign each person to be free:

while some man m is free do


w := first woman on m's list to whom m has not yet proposed;

if w is free then

assign m and w to be engaged {to each other}


if w prefers m to her fiance m' then

assign m and w to be engaged and m' to be free


w rejects m {and m remains free}


output the stable matching consisting of the n engaged pairs


men's preferences

1st 2nd 3rd

Bob: Lea Ann Sue

Jim: Lea Sue Ann

Tom: Sue Lea Ann

woman's preference

1st 2nd 3rd

Ann: Jim Tom Bob

Lea: Tom Bob Jim

Sue: Jim Tom Bob


Bob: Jim: Tom:

Lea Bob proposed to Lea; Lea accepted

Lea Jim proposed to Lea; Lea rejected.

Lea Sue Jim proposed to Sue; Sue accepted.

Lea Sue Tom proposed to Sue; Sue rejected.

Sue Lea Tom proposed to Lea; Lea replaced Bob with Tom.

Ann Sue Lea Bob proposed to Ann; Ann accepted.

Implementation and Running Time Analysis


- Maintain two arrays wife[m], and husband[w]; set equal to 0 if participant is free.

- Store list of free men on a stack (queue).

Preference lists.

- For each man, create a linked list of women, ordered from favorite to worst.

men propose to women at top of list, if rejected goto next

- For each woman, create a "ranking array" such that mth entry in array is woman’s ranking of man m.

allows for queries of the form: does woman w prefer m to m’ ?

Resource consumption.

- Time = O(N2).

- Space = O(N2).

- Optimal.

- O = { (m,w) : m has proposed to w }}


The stable marriage has a shortcoming that it is not gender neutral. It is man-optimal.

College Admissions

Goal: Design a self-reinforcing college admissions process.

Given a set of preferences among colleges and applicants, can we assign applicants to colleges so that for every applicant X, and every college C that X is not attending, either:

- C prefers every one of its admitted students to X;

- X prefers her current situation to the situation in which she is attending college C.

If this holds, the outcome is STABLE.

- Individual self-interest prevents any applicant / college to undermine assignment by joint action.