Comma-Separated Expressions

Comma-separated expressions were inherited from C. It's likely that you use such expressions in for- and while-loops rather often. Yet, the language rules in this regard are far from being intuitive. First, let's see what a comma separated expression is.

An expression may consist of one or more sub-expressions separated by commas. For example:

if(++x, --y, cin.good()) /*three expressions*/

The if condition contains three expressions separated by commas. C++ ensures that each of the expressions is evaluated and its side effects take place. However, the value of an entire comma-separated expression is only the result of the rightmost expression. Therefore, the if condition above evaluates as true only if cin.good() returns true. Here's another example of a comma expression:

int j=10; int i=0; while( ++i, --j) { /*..repeat as long as j is not 0*/ }