
A bitset is a special container class that is designed to store bits (elements with only two possible values: 0 or 1, true or false, ...).

The class is very similar to a regular array, but optimizing for space allocation: each element occupies only one bit (which is eight times less than the smallest elemental type in C++: char).

Bitsets have a fixed size. For a similar container class that also optimizes for space allocation and allows for dynamic resizing, see the bool specialization of vector<bool>.

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <bitset>

using namespace std;

void construct()


bitset<10> first; // empty bitset

bitset<10> second (120ul); // initialize from unsigned long

bitset<10> third (string("01011"), 1/*position*/, 3/*no of chars*/); // initialize from string - 101

//bitset<10> fourth(string("0012")); //invalid_argument exception


void operation


bitset<4> first (string("1001"));

bitset<4> second (string("0011"));

cout << (first^=second) << endl; // 1010 (XOR,assign)

cout << (first&=second) << endl; // 0010 (AND,assign)

cout << (first|=second) << endl; // 0011 (OR,assign)

cout << (first<<=2) << endl; // 1100 (SHL,assign)

cout << (first>>=1) << endl; // 0110 (SHR,assign)

cout << (~second) << endl; // 1100 (NOT)

cout << (second<<1) << endl; // 0110 (SHL)

cout << (second>>1) << endl; // 0001 (SHR)

cout << (first==second) << endl; // false (0110==0011)

cout << (first!=second) << endl; // true (0110!=0011)

cout << (first&second) << endl; // 0010

cout << (first|second) << endl; // 0111

cout << (first^second) << endl; // 0101


void misc()


bitset<4> mybits (string("0001"));

cout << mybits.any() << endl; // true

cout << mybits.none() << endl; // false

cout << mybits.test(0) << endl; // true

cout << mybits.size() << endl; // 4

cout << (int)mybits.count() << endl; // 1

cout << mybits.flip(2) << endl; // 0101

cout << mybits.flip() << endl; // 1010

mybits[1]=0; // 1000

mybits[2]=mybits[3]; // 1100

mybits.reset(2); // 1000

mybits.reset(); // 0000

mybits.set(); // 1111

mybits.set(2); // 0100

mybits.set(2,0); // 0000

string mystring;

mystring=mybits.to_string<char,char_traits<char>,allocator<char> >();

cout << mybits.to_ulong() << endl;
