Code Browsing using ctags

Code Browsing using ctags

1. Copy ctags tar to your directory.

Curent Location : \\machine\work\myuser\ctags-5.8.tar.gz

2. Untar ctags

cd /work/myuser

tar -zxvf ctags-5.8.tar.gz

3. Goto ctags directory and follow the steps:

cd /work/myuser/ctags-5.8



make check

make install

4. Goto workspace and generate ctags

/work/myuser/ctags-5.8/ctags -R *

5. Open vimrc and add below lines.

cd /users/myuser

vi ~/.vimrc

set ts=8 sts=4 noet tw=80 sw=4

set tags=/work/myuser/NewProject/tags

save file and exit (!wq)

6. Browsing the code.

Exit out of BASH

To go inside any API, point it and do CTRL + }

To go back to previous caller do CTRL + T