

- A stack is an ordered list in which insertions and deletions are made at one end called top

- Let stack S = (a0; a1 : : : ; an -1)

- a0 is known as bottom element

- an -1 is called top element

- Stack is also known Last-In-First-Out(LIFO) list

System Stack

- Program uses system stack when it calls a function

- Activation record or Stack frame is created by the program and is placed on top of the system stack

- Initially it contains a pointer to previous stack frame and return address

- Function to be executed is the one whose stack frame is on the top of the stack

- Local variables and parameters of the function is stored in the frame if the function calls another function

- Stack frame is removed on termination of the execution of the function

Stack Implementation

- One dimensional array: stack[MAX STACK SIZE]

- Bottom is at stack[0]

- Initially, top is set to -1 to denote empty stack

Stack CreateS(max_stack_size)::=

#define MAX_STACK_SIZE 100

typedef struct {

int key;

/* Other fields */

} element;

element stack[MAX_STACK_SIZE];

int top = -1;

Boolean IsEmpty(Stack) ::= top < 0 ;

Boolean IsFull(Stack) ::= top >= MAX_STACK_SIZE - 1

Stack Add(stack,item) ::=

void add(int *top, lement item)


if(*top >= MAX_STACK_SIZEe - 1)





stack[++*top] = item;


Element Delete(stack) ::=

element delete(int *top)


if(*top == -1)

return stack_empty();

return stack[(*top)--];


Evaluation of Expressions

- An expression: x = a / b - c + d * e - a * c

- Precedence rules and Associativity

- Operator with highest precedence is evaluated first

- Parentheses overrides the precedence

- Innermost parentheses evaluated first

- Notations: Infix, Prefix, and Postfix

Postfix Notation

- Evaluation of expression in postfix notation is easier compared to infix notation

- Postfix notation is parentheses free

- Only one left to right scan is required

- Compiler generates postfix expression

- Each operator appears after its operands

Postfix Expression Evaluation

- Scan the posfix expression from left to right

- Place the operands on the stack till you find an operator

- Remove the required number of operands from the stack for the operator

- Evaluate the operator and put the result on the stack

- Continue this till you reach at the end of the expression

- Remove the answer from top of the stack

Infix to Postfix

- Fully parenthesize the expression

- Move all binary operators so that they replace their corresponding right parenthese

- Delete all parentheses

- Example:a/b - c + d * e - a * c

- ((((a/b) - c) + (d * e)) - a * c))

- ab/c - de * + ac * -

- Two pass required over expression

One Pass Infix to Postfix

- Order of operands are same both in infix and postfix

- Scan infix from left to right and pass the operands to the output expression as they are encountered

- The order in which operators are passed to the output depends on their precedence

- Higher precedence operator must be passed first

- Save the operators until their correct placement

Precedence of Left Parentheses

- Left parentheses has low precedence when it is on the stack and high precedence when it is unstacked

- Left parentheses are placed on the stack whenever it is found in the expresion

- It is unstacked only when its matching right parentheses is found

- Two types of precedence:

in-stack-precedence(isp) and
