Potential and Kinetic Energy

Kinetic and Potential Energy.ppt

Cliff Notes

I. Energy: how much work something

-measured in joules, J

II. Potential Energy

A. Potential energy: energy of position

B. Depends on: mass, height

C. Formula: PE = mgh

D. Examples

Ex1 If your egg drop device has a mass of 2 kg, how much potential energy does it hold at a height of 10 meters? 196 J

III. Kinetic Energy

A. Kinetic energy: energy of motion

B. Depends on: mass, velocity

C. Formula: KE = ½mv2

D. Examples

Ex2 The bird has a mass of 2 kg. It is flying at a speed of 5 m/s. Find its kinetic energy. 25 J


Potential and Kinetic Energy Explanation and Sample Problems-alternative notes and examples in case you learn better from a worksheet

Potential and Kinetic Energy Practice-worksheet with practice problems