Physical and Chemical Changes

Physical and Chemical Changes

Cliff Notes

I. Classifying: putting into groups that have things in common

II. Physical change: matter stays the same, but changes in size, shape, or appearance

A. Examples: paper tearing, water melting, sharpening a pencil

B. Clues that it's a physical change: no new substance created/destroyed, shape changes, size changes, no

color change

III. Chemical change: matter changes to a different kind of matter

A. Examples: paper burning, food molding, gunpowder exploding

B. Clues that it's a chemical change: new color appears, heat or light is given off, bubbles of gas are given

off, precipitate is formed, change is difficult to reverse


Physical and Chemical Changes - class notes in Powerpoint

Physical and Chemical Changes Worksheet (pg. 1 ONLY) - the FIRST page is the homework worksheet for class, ignore the rest of the packet