Grade 8 Events

Make It Unique - Taxonomy Event

Type: Biology

Participants per team: 3

Description: Using a dichotomous key to classify organisms as clues to location, groups must travel around the school to find pictures of organisms and then classify them in a dichotomous key.

Bouncy Chemistry

Type: Chemistry

Participants per team: 3

Description: The Mackenzie Science Department figured out how to make the bounciest ball possible. But we’ve accidentally shredded all the experiment notes and we can’t remember the exact recipe to would produce the bounciest ball! Oh no! So we need YOU to run experiments to find the bounciest ball fast!

Balloon Zipline

Type: Engineering

Participants per team: 4

Description: Create a vehicle propelled by a deflating balloon that carries a load and travels along a horizontal string. Detailed instructions and materials will be provided on the day of the event.


Type: Computer Programming

Participants per term: 2-3

Description: Your goal is to learn the basics of the Scratch programming language and then use this new knowledge to write a short and simple program revolving around a problem to be determined on the day. You will need to create the BEST program imaginable using the Scratch programming language!! Only ONE computer will be available to each team and non-programmable calculators may be used. Paper and pencil will be provided on the day if needed. NO outside reference materials (ex. tutorials, sample programs, advanced electronics, and other types of cheat sheets) can be used during the competition other than the ones that will be provided to you on the day.

In case you want to get a head start, explore the Scratch programming language tutorial provided by the link below:

It's Fun When Math Clicks (Grade 7/8 compete separately)

Type: Math

Participants per team: 4

Description: Prove your school’s math supremacy in this math biathlon. Each team will be divided into two groups. Each group will compete in one of the two events which will occur simultaneously. In one event, competitors will be tested on their speed and accuracy in answering math questions, submitting responses using clicker technology. In the other event, competitors will be tested on their ability to correctly solve and fully explain the correct solutions to a set of challenge problems. No calculators are permitted in this event!