
Emotions are also called feelings - you know, like being happy or sad or scared. You feel them because of what you see, hear, remember, and do. So whether you're sad and blue or happy and excited, you can share your feelings with other people by talking about them. Be glad you can have so many different emotions because without them every day would feel the same!

Get ready for all the feelings with the latest episode of "StoryBots Super Songs". They will help you understand your own emotions with songs about feeling happy, sad, silly and more. The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun. Join Beep, Boop, Bing, Bang and Bo and have fun!

Feelings and Emotions Crossword Puzzle

Here is a fun way to review vocabulary words for our feelings and emotions. Each clue in the crossword is an emoticon - puzzlers must fill the name of the emotion that is being expressed.