Mini Hemm Tree

Small Christmas trees that sync up with the large tree ornaments

The Story Behind the Project

The website-controlled Gonzaga Christmas Tree Ornaments that I made were really popular and fun. And each ornament was modular and independent which made adding additional clients really easy from a code perspective. The only issue was that physically building additional decorations was rather tedious, and coming up with a design that could sit on a desk and looked good was more challenging than I expected.

Around this time I was learning about PCB manufacturing and assembly. I came up with the design pictured above, which can be ordered fully assembled and cut in the right shape, leaving assembly to be as simple as slotting the two pieces together and soldering a few joints.

This year we're handing a dozen out around Gonzaga, and I gave a few to family and friends around the world. All of them sync up with each other, so my parents changing theirs in the Philippines changes the big Gonzaga tree, and everyone else's mini-trees. And each time a student changes the big tree, everyone around campus and the world with a mini-tree gets the same light color or pattern :)

Since these are so easy to produce, I'm happy to sell some! Let me know if you want to buy one.

If you need help setting yours up, check out the connection guide.
