Chore Display (using google sheets)

Show who's in charge of what today, automatically updated from a google spreadsheet

The Story Behind the Project

I'm living in a house of seven people this year, and we're each in charge of cooking dinner for everyone once a week. Each person's day changes every week in order to keep things fair. However, this makes it difficult to keep track of, along with being assistant chef an additional night and on cleanup another two.

We created a weekly updated Google spreadsheet to keep track of responsibilities. However, it's a pain to go check the spreadsheet every day, and if somebody forgets to check it, they may not remember they have a responsibility that day. So I created the Chore Display! Every day at midnight it downloads a new copy of the spreadsheet and displays responsibilities for the relevant day. And it's placed on top of the calendar so everyone can easily check it daily.


  • Includes a button to preview upcoming days for a few seconds

  • On Sundays, we update the spreadsheet for the week, including that night. So on Sundays, the display prompts the user to press a button to confirm the spreadsheet has been updated for today before displaying tasks.