Reset Joint Location

How do we move a skinned joint, and then reset the mesh back to its original bind pose, while keeping the joint in its new position/orient?


Position of the joint in parent space


takes you back to the position of the parent


Position of the joint's parent in world space


takes you back to the position of the joint's parent in world space


position of the joint in world space as represented by matrix


The '.worldInverseMatrix' of the joint is basically the matrix info for the current moved position. (ie, the transform information?-- no, more like the distance of the object from the origin.. or what you would have to do to the matrix to get back to the origin (identity matrix))


skinCluster.bindPreMatrix has a subheading [0], [1], [2] for each joint

Whenever you add an influence to a skinCluster, it connects the worldMatrix[0] attr. of the joint to the matrix[n] attr. of the skinCluster. A 'bindPreMatrix[n]' value is also created, and this attr. holds the bind pose for the the subset of the mesh that is influenced by joint/influence n.