Commercial Modular Rigs

This is in no way a comprehensive list. If you have one and want me to list it let me know..

Voodoo Rig Demo

How do you do this??


The Setup Machine

Having used this, it's fast and easy to set up, and has a lot of functionality. It's a good alternative for those who do not want to rig their own characters, and is set up in a nice modular way so that it's easy to rig extra pieces and/or adapt it to different characters. However, it's somewhat heavy--even on pretty low poly characters the update was very slow and it was hard to get animation in realtime. The other problem is that you are pretty much stuck with what is there--the rig has a lot of nice features, but under the hood it's a mass of utility nodes, if a rigger is trying to change, add or remove any functionality they will find it somewhat annoying.

The Face Machine

It offers a large number of on-face controls for detailed tweaking (first and second levels), as well as a nice interface to work with, and is certainly a lot faster than 'traditional' face setup methods. This is even heavier than TSM, though, as i remember it's based on influence objects. It's also very hard to break down and simplify since it is a Maya plugin, and unline TSM doesn't use all native Maya nodes. Even though there were so many controls, it sets up influences automatically and I found it hard to get the desired expressions using it.

Auto Rigging & Skinning Tools (thanks to Paris)

PDK Rig (free! thanks to Lester Banks for the link)

Rapid Rig (free!)

Quadruped Rigger (from Braverabbit--free!)

Bird Autorig (S. Addanki)

GEAR (jeremie passerin) (open-source system..)

dpAutoRigSystem (Danilo Pinheiro--free!)

2D Autorig

Hi guys,

does any of you already use the UE4 Animation and Rigging Toolkit?

From the videos I glanced at via youtube, the riglayout seems compatible

with Maya´s human ik and seems to be a solid "autorigger" with lot´s of

admireable features:

Personally, I like those easy to hit retro buttons and am looking into subscribing to UE4

just to get a decent "autorig" to play with. Not just for actually playing games

but to have something that helps me quickly set up simple rigs for a character.

Now I wonder how well the actual skinning/envelope/wheighting part goes?

(T. Leydecker)