Muscle & Other Additional Deformation


Maya Muscle

Maya Muscle - Autodesk

Miranda from Taiso Renpoo - fully rigged muscle female & male (thanks Rigging Dojo!)

Tissue system

Tissue (Weta)

Workflow for Setting up a Character with Maya Muscle

3D World Rigging Tutorial (thanks NY MUG)

Biped Reference

Quadruped Reference


Easiest way to add some jiggle/secondary motion to a set of objects?

Hi, I have a group of cartoon style palm trees that I need to have the

foliage of, waving in the wind subtly. I don't need a totally realistic

result so I just want to animate a small rotation of each foliage cluster

and have the ends of the palm fronds lag behind by a small amount of time.

What's the easiest, most idiot-proof way of doing this for someone who has

never used Dynamics or nDynamics?

(A. Rosbottom)

there is the "jiggle" deformer, which may get you there,

or you could turn the whole thing into nCloth or soft body and paint some


or you could rig it with joints and spline ik with hair dynamics

I think you may find you get really lucky with an nCloth solution

(S. Mann)

Did something like this a while ago...I simplified the solve by using

simplified wrap object as the nCloth.

Ncloths tend to solve better with even, clean parametisation. If you

use a wrap, you can always smooth a simple wrap object after

simulation, before applying as a wrap if you need a nicer deformation.

I seem to remember everything got way faster by toggling the

"exclusive" box on the wrap.

The nCloth's attribute editor comes with a raft of presets, easily

missed, normally there is a headstart in there.

With Ncloth, the nucleus has time and space scale attributes which are

handy when you start to get close.

If you have a good solve do a geometry animation cache and disable the


Simplest of all, often overlooked but terribly effective, is joint

chains with hand keyed FK animation on. Does EXACTLY what you tell it

to, first time.

(R. Harrington)

1. select a mesh with skinning and animation on it

2. Go to muscle>Skin Setup> Apply muscle skin Deformer

3. Turn on Jiggle on the muscle deformer node

4. Paint the area of influence ( Muscle>Paint Muscle Weights )

5. Scrub Timeline to see the effect

(J. Berger)