The Best Of All Religions

In another poem, while addressing the Messenger of Allah, he says:

By Allah , they will never be able to overpower you despite their immense  numbers and strength. They can only overpower you after I sacrifice my life and am gone So invite people to your cause because there is nothing in it that may be a cause of defect or shame. Give glad tidings to the  people and enlighten them with your invite.

You invited me and I realised  that you are my well wisher. You called me to the truth and you were trustworthy in your call. I have understood that Mohammed's religion is one of the best religion of  that which people have accepted.

Ref: Tarikh Ibn e Kathir Volume 3 page 42, Khazantah al-Adab Baghdadi volume I page 26,  Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah Ibn Abi al-Hadid volume 3 page 306 Tarikh Abi al-Fida volume 1 page 120 Fateh al-Bari volume 3 page 153-155 Al-Asaba volume 4 page 116 Muahib Ladniyyah volume 1 page 61 biography Halabiyyah Volume 1 Page 305, Diwan Abu Talib Page 12 Talbatah Talib Page 1, Balogh Al-Arb Volume 1 Page 325, Seerat al-Nabawiyyah Zaini Dahlan Volume 1 Pages 91-211 Asni al-Muttalib Page 4 </ref>