HIs Faith As Seen In His Prayers

Once I came to Makkah while the people of Mecca were facing a sever famine and drought. The Quraysh said, O Abu Talib, the valleys have dried up and the people are suffering because of famine. Let's go and pray for rain.  

On this Abu Talib came out with a boy. The boy looked like a  sun shining through the dark clouds.There were many other children with him. Abu Talib picked up the boy and put his back against the wall of the Holy Kaaba. Then he prayed for rain while carrying the boy in his arms.

Although there was not a single cloud in the sky at that time, but immediately clouds were seen in the skies and there were such torrential rains such that the towns and the valleys were flooded with water and became lush green. On this occasion Hazrat Abu Talib said this poem,

Mohammad is an infallible,such that at the sight  of whom the clouds are filled with water, he is the refuge of the orphans and a gurdian of the widows.

The distressed members of Hashem's family take refuge in him, and live a life of peace and comfort under his shelter. He is just and would never commit a grain worth of injustice. He possesses such intelligence that his wisdom and understanding cannot be comprehended.

Ref: Seerat Halabiyyah Volume 1Page 125