His Faith Seen In His Poems

Out of the many responsibielites of Hazrat Abu Talib (as) was to protect the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.)  and to make people awareof his prophethood and his position which is clearly apparent in his poems.

Acknowledging the Truth

In one of his poems he says :

“If Ahmed (s.a.w.w.) has come to you, then indeed he has brought truth to you and not falsehood.”


At another place he says:

“ We know that you only are the truthful Prophet sent by Allah (s.w.t.) and the most honourable has reveled to you the Holy Book.

In another poem while answering the enemies he says:,

“These people damand of me that I stop helping him who has come with a message of guidance”


The above verses clearly dipict the belief of Hazrat Abu Talib (as) in Allah (s.w.t.) and the Holy Quran. Now if this is not faith then what is it….???

Acknowledging the Prophet hood of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and Islam as the Best Religion.

In one of his other poems he says that:

“Don’t you people know that we found Mohammed (s.a.w.w.) as a Prophet as was Mosa (as) and this has been written in previously reveled books. And who can be greater than the one who is selected by Allah (s.w.t.) as his loved one and love form him will find way to the hearts of the people.

At another Place he says:,

"And surely I know that the religion of Mohammed (s.a.w.w.) is better than all the religions of the world."


If a person doubts the faith of Hazrat Abu Talib (as) after reading these verses then it in fact puts a doubt in our minds about his own faith and commitment. 

Praising the  Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.)

At one place he says:,

"O Mohammed (s.a.w.w.)only you are the highly honured leader of the Prophets who has been selected for guidance of his people, You are the leader of the most honourable ones who are pure and their place of birth is pure."


At another place he says:

"Allah(s.w.t.)  has honoured Mohammed (s.a.w.w.) with such high position and rights that he is the most high from among all  his creation and hence he has derived his name from one of His (s.w.t.) own names. He (s.w.t.) is the master of the throne “ Mahmood” and this is Mohammed (s.a.w.w.)."


At another place while praising the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) he says",

“If it is asked that with respect to family and tribe who is the most superior in the would? Then He (s.a.w.w.) has the most honourable ancestor Abde Manaf (as) (the great grandfather of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) ) and he has been honoured by the virtuous Hashim (as). And the people of the tribe of Banu Hashim are hign and elevated as the stars in the heavens and the best of the Banu Hashim is Ahmed (s.a.w.w.) himself who is the messanger of Allah (s.w.t) after a long period of darkness.


All the above verses shows the deep rooted faith of Hazrat Abutalib (as) in the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and the religion he had brought from the Almighty (s.w.t.).