7 Company. 20 November 1917

The Tanks at Cambrai. 20th November 1917

7 Company, C Battalion, with 35th Brigade,12th Division, III Corps

7 Company had 12 tanks in action on 20th November 1917 (W3):

1 Section. Capt AV York

2852, f, C3, Cape Colony II, 2Lt. RC McNicol

2788, f, C4, Cyprus II, 2Lt. PR O'Dowd

4007, m, C5, China, 2Lt. WE Breen

2 Section. Capt LV Smith MC

2724, f, C2, Ceylon, 2Lt. EF Arundel

2816, f, C16, Ca'canny, 2Lt. J? Waddington

8015, m, C17, Cuidich N' Righ II, 2Lt. LE Minchin

3 Section KA Youll

2784, f, C11, Carstairs II, Lt. AV Coleman,

2726, f, C12, Cumbrae, Lt. EP Readman

2053, m, C13, Caithness, 2Lt. LF Masters

4 Section Lt FS Parsons

2883, f, C14, Culloden II, 2Lt. AH Martin,

2044, m, C18, Celtic, 2Lt. VS. Wadham

2381, m, C19, Clyde II, Lt. ? Prophett,

Reserve Tanks

2085, m, C1, Canada,

4008, C15, Casa,

Orders(W3a )

7 Company were to attack in the first wave on the Left of 35th Brigade. The first wave was to capture the Blue Line, 7 Company’s survivors were then to join the Second Wave assault to the Brown line supporting the 7th Suffolks. Surviving tanks were to rally at the Battalion Rallying Point R17a in the evening.

The Company was distributed along the front with 1 section on the right with A Company 9th Essex, then 2, then 3, lastly 4 Section on the left.

An initial objective, the Black Line roughly corresponded with the rear of Bleak Support and Barrack Support trenches. (PRO WO 95/104)

One "C" Battalion tank was assigned a radio, its identity is unknown. It was possibly intended to stop the tank at R17a.2.9. (PRO WO 95/104)

Account of Operations (W3a)

The company reached Bleak trench.

1 Section

C5 silenced two MGs at R8c.8.6 (presumably R28c.8.6) and R28c.7.9. C3 dealt with parties of the enemy along Bleak Trench. C4 dealt with 3 MGs one in the Communication trench and two in the support line. The section crossed the Blue line then, C5 was hit and burnt out at R28a.8.2, (this is a long way short of the Blue line and may be a typo for R23a.8.2) the crew established a defensive position and held it with the infantry until the evening of the 21st. C3 broke down (in no mans land according to the Battlegraph) and remained in the field with its guns manned until the evening of the 21st. C4 reached Bleak House but had to rally as its big end was giving trouble.

2 Section

C2 was delayed with fascine trouble and eventually caught up with the other tanks at Bleak House, it then silenced an MG at R28a.9.3 (presumably R23a.9.3). C16 and C17 both accounted for some retiring enemy troops and all three tanks crossed Bleak Trench. C16 then ditched and broke down before the Black Line (Bleak Support). C17 was delayed at Mersey trench (which the author can’t locate), only catching up in time to help mop up the Hindenburg Support line; it then led the infantry forward, silenced an enemy MG at R17b.6.0. and assisted at Pam Pam Farm. C2 and C17 both rallied.

3 Section

This was the first section to reach the Blue line, en route silencing MGs at R28a.8.4, R28a.7.9, R28a.0.3 and R28a.4.3. The section then turned to the right to assist the infantry who were held up (presumably because of the delays 2 section experienced (see above). C13 wiped out about 20 enemy troops with a single case shot at R23a.2.7. The three tanks now proceeded to mop up at Le Pave and Pam Pam Farm. C13 broke a track at R23a.4.9. C11 and C12 both rallied.

4 Section

The section dealt with heavy MG fire at Bleak Trench (presumably Barrack trench which was probably to their front). C14 broke down and C18 ditched and broke down before the German front line. C19 continued to advance and silenced enemy fire from the Hindenburg line which allowed the infantry to advance and take the position. C19 patrolled in front of the Blue Line, then at the request of the infantry, went to Bleak House and forced 2 enemies to surrender. C19 then returned to its sector and followed 9 Company, forcing about 20 Germans to surrender at R17b.5.5 and thus enabling the infantry’s advance. C19 in company with 9 Company and C11 and C17 now attacked Le Pave and then moped at Pam Pam Farm before rallying.

C1 is not mentioned in the narrative, according to the Battlegraph it broke down just before the German front line then reached the brown line before rallying.

C15 presumably did not go into action as it is not listed on the battlegraph nor mentioned in the Narrative.


Intended: 12

Reserve: 2

At Start: 12

Started: 12

Engaged enemy: 12

Ditched / Broke Down: 3

Hit and Knocked out: 1

Rallied: 8

The reserve tanks are not included in the other totals above as neither saw action.


C3 may be the tank ditched in this photo, though the photo may show an earlier C3 ditched at 3rd Ypres.


C16’s crew eventually unditched her after two days digging.

C11 - Possibly photographed still carrying C battalion crew number at Mont St Eloi on 1 April 1918: IWM Q 337: https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205077394

C2, CW4, C12, C13 and C14 were all in action again on the 23rd November.

C18 Photographed after capture by Germans: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drakegoodman/5636340538/in/photostream/




W3a – C Battalion War Diary, Battlegraph and Narrative of Operations PRO WO 95/106

H3 - C Battalion War History PRO WO 95/104

Cambrai start positions. C Battalion

Cambrai 20 Nov 3 Brigade Map

Cambrai Narratives