27 Company. 20 November 1917

The Tanks at Cambrai. 20th November 1917

27 Company, I Battalion, with 61st Brigade, 20th Division, III Corps

27 Company had 12 tanks in action on 20th November 1917 (W9):

Company Commander – Maj F Vandervell (H6)

9 Section. Capt DL Robinson

I42, 2Lt WS Cross

I43 2Lt VL Mabb

I44, 2Lt TW Sheppard

10 Section. Capt. HRB Watkins

I49 2Lt HJ Wilson

I59, 2Lt FFA Higgitt

I48, 2Lt GA Prescott

11 Section. Capt JM Johnson

I51, 2Lt BW Wild

I54, "Intimidate", 2Lt SC Rae

I53, 2Lt P Lazarus Barlow

12 Section. Capt TLW Strother

I56, , 2363, 2Lt J Steeple

I57, 2Lt BK Malleson

I58, 2Lt SH Slade


The War History states 2Lt Rae was in charge of I53.

I51 photographed entrained prior to action: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205215581

IWM Q46933:

I56 - serial number from photo, first two digits unclear - FF

I54 name from video clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675027524_British-officers_tractors-in-field_soldiers-on-tractors_soldiers-near-a-tank. Discovered by Gwyn Evans.

Orders (W9)

27 Company was to attack in the first wave.

10 section were to attack on the left of the first wave with D.C.L.I

9, 11 and 12 Sections were to attack on the right of the first wave with the Somerset L.I

Account of Operations (W9)

9 Section

I43 turned right at the German front line, the led infantry to their objectives at R16c.2.8. proceeded to Hindenburg Support and Brown Lines before Rallying.

I44 ditched and broke down at R16c.7.5. The ditching was caused by the fascine slipping over the front of the cab thus preventing forward vision. Position not indicated on the map (w9m)

I42 turned left at German 1st line and circulated tranches whilst infantry took their objective, W15d.1.1. Then proceeded to Hindenburg Support line and Pam Pam Farm where it made passages through the wire to assist the infantry who were held up. Lastly the tank went to the Brown line before rallying.

10 Section

I49 crossed the first German line, silenced an MG then ditched in a covered sap. R15c.3.8 on the map (w9m)

I59 went to the left of La Vacquerie and then ditched in the Hindenburg Line. Unditched and proceeded to the Brown Line where it helped form part of the defensive flank on the right of Masnieres. The Tank rallied and was then ordered to return to Masnieres where it helped subdue snipers.

I48 Enfiladed Corner trench, silencing bombers whilst working along it. Covered infantry consolidation in La Vacquerie then crossed Hindenburg Line and accompanied some D.C.L.I to Hindenburg Support and covered their consolidation by silencing MGs.

11 Section

I53 ditched at the start point. It did not engage the enemy. Position not indicated on the map (w9m)

I51 led two platoons of infantry through the Wire into La Vacquerie, then the tank circled the village suppressing MG fire and putting at least 1 MG out of action. Once the infantry was established in La Vacquerie the tank proceeded to the Blue line, assisting a platoon of the Ox and Bucks through the Wire on the Hindenburg line. the Tank crossed the Hindenburg line then caught up 25 Company and a lot of Infantry whom it accompanied around the side of a hill to the sunken road at R10b.5.1 on the Blue Line, where it engaged a Dug out. In company with I54 it then breached the wire at R10b.4.0 and thus enabled the infantry advance.

I54 proceeded to the Cemetery at R21b.0.7 then along the edge of the road to the wire at R21b.5.6. and the Front Line trench which it traversed as far as R21b.5.9. before rejoining the road and entering the Village which it drove around three times. Then the tank went to the Blue line and joined I51 in breaching the wire at R10b.4.0

12 Section

I58 broke down in the west of La Vacquerie, R16a.1.8 (w9m) . A Lewis gun was dismounted and engaged the enemy.

I56 Helped clear the West of La Vacquerie then proceeded along a communication trench to an empty strongpoint. Crossed the Hindenburg and Hindenburg Support lines, despite breaking down, before rallying.

I57 Went through the left of La vacquerie, thence to Hindenburg line and Hindenburg Support clearing communication trenches between the two lines. The tank crossed the Hindenburg support line and went up to the ridge where it suffered direct hit and was knocked out. Position not indicated on map (W9m)

In “The Boiler Plate War” (s30.p150ff), James Cameron, a driver with “I” Battalion, describes the attack on La Vacquerie and how his tank became ditched in an outpost trench, it successfully extricated itself but was a long way behind the others, the crew were then overcome by petrol fumes caused by a leaking petrol pipe fractured whilst the tank was ditched.


Intended: 12

Reserve: 2

At Start: 12

Started: 11

Engaged enemy: 10

Ditched / Broke Down: 3

Hit and Knocked out: 1

Rallied: 1

I58 is not included in the engaged enemy numbers

Aftermath (W23)

I44, I49 and I57 were not recovered

I42, I43 and all in action on 23rd Nov.

I51, I53, I54, I56 and I58 were all in action again on 24th Nov.

At some point I54 was filmed towing a gun through a wood (presumably a captured German gun.

http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675027524_British-officers_tractors-in-field_soldiers-on-tractors_soldiers-near-a-tank. Discovered by Gwyn Lewis.

Still from film: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7700258@N05/2275083434/in/set-72157601074582281

This clip is similar to still photographs which purport to show a "C" Battalion tank at Cambrai: X24.p1 and X24.p5


W9 – 9th (I) Battalion’s War diary. Transcription from Bovington Tank Museum

H9 – 9th (I) Battalion’s War History. Transcription from Bovington Tank Museum

FF - http://www.flickr.com/photos/7700258@N05/3946640096/in/set-72157601074582281/

Cambrai start formation I Battalion

25 Company. 20 November 1917

26 Company. 20 November 1917.

Cambrai 20 Nov 3 Brigade Map

I / 9th Battalion List of narratives

Cambrai Narratives