SPINOZA. Evidently necessary pseudonym for an otherwise censored anti-racist Jewish Australian humanitarian commenting on genocidal Zionist crimes

SPINOZA. Spinoza (evidently necessary pseudonym for an otherwise censored anti-racist Jewish Australian humanitarian) commenting on the Palestinian Genocide (2018): The leading supporters of Apartheid Israel are, in descending order, the US, Australia, Canada, the UK, France and Germany, with all the major parties of these pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid countries opposing Boycotts Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), supporting Apartheid Israel and ignoring the dire plight of the Palestinians (thus , according to the World Bank (2017), the per capita GDP is a deadly $3,000 for the Occupied Palestinians as compared to $40,000 for the Apartheid Israeli Occupiers). Anti-racist Jewish Australians such as myself are utterly appalled that a nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist Apartheid Israel has seized all of Palestine, has engaged in repeated mass expulsion of Indigenous Palestinians (800,000 in 1948 and 400,000 in 1967), has ethnically cleaned 90% of Palestine, determines that 74% of its now 50% Indigenous Palestinian subjects cannot vote for the government ruling them (i.e. Apartheid), has deprived 5 million Occupied Palestinians of all human rights under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, highly abusively confines 5 million Occupied Palestinians (50% children, 75% women and children) to the Gaza Concentration Camp (2 million) or to West Bank ghettoes (3 million), horribly and offensively discriminates against nearly 2 million Israeli Palestinians, excludes 7 million Exiled Palestinians from even stepping foot in their own country, and has engaged in an ongoing Palestinian Genocide (2.3 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, or deprivation, 2.2 million, since the British invasion of Palestine in WW1) that in death toll is of a similar order of magnitude to the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by the Nazis through violence or deprivation )” (Spinoza commenting on “`The political war against Palestinians”, ABC Radio National, Late Night Live, 25 September October 2018: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-uss-new-political-war-on-palestinians/10297892 ).

Spinoza comment on an ABC program re the 2019 Apartheid Israel elections (2019): “ As an anti-racist Jewish Australian (from DNA analysis largely Eastern European Ashkenazi Jewish with zero Palestinian or Middle Eastern contribution) I strongly object to the utterly false assertions that Israel is a “Western democracy” with a “Jewish majority” and that the “Palestinian issue” is merely a “remote question” and a “security issue”. The program unfortunately finished just as demographic details were being considered. Despite huge Indigenous Palestinian deaths from violence (0.1 million) or from imposed deprivation (2.2 million) since the British invasion of Palestine in WW1, and successive Zionist ethnic cleansings of Arabs (800,000 in 1948 and 400,000 more in 1967), today Israel has 6.9 million Indigenous Palestinian subjects (5 million Occupied Palestinians with zero human rights, and 1.9 million Palestinian Israelis subject to over 60 race-based laws, these together constituting 50% of Israeli subjects), 6.6 million Jewish Israeli subjects (47%), and 0.4 million others (3%). There are a further 7 million Exiled Indigenous Palestinians who are forbidden on pain of death from stepping foot in Palestine, the land continuously inhabited by their Semitic forbears to the very dawn of history. 72% of Israel’s Indigenous Palestinian subjects cannot vote for the government ruling them i.e. egregious Apartheid (the Australian analogy would be that the Rugby League states of NSW and Queensland (49% of the Australian population) had the vote and ruled over the populations of the Aussie Rules states (51% of the population but of whom over 72% had zero human rights and were excluded from voting). Nuclear terrorist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel ensures that the average per capita GDP is a deadly $3,000 for its disenfranchised Occupied Indigenous Palestinian subjects and $40,000 for its enfranchised Israeli subjects. With over 90% of Palestine having been ethnically cleansed by the Zionists, the 2-state solution is dead but a decent, non-racist unitary state could happen tomorrow as with post-Apartheid South Africa” (“Israeli election 2019”, ABC RN, Late Night Live, 3 April 2019: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/israeli-election-2019/10967676 ).