LUDEN, Yizhak. Anti-racist Jewish Polish socialist and member of the anti-Zionist Jewish Labor Bund:"The few Bundists who came [to Palestine] made clear our political position in support of Palestinians, and for a one state solution"

Yitzhak Luden, ( anti-racist Jewish Polish socialist and member of the anti-Zionist Jewish Labor Bund) (2012): “One hundred and fifteen years ago, the Zionists held their first congress in a casino in Basel. The Bundists on the other hand, had their first meeting in the attic of a farm near Vilnius a month before. The Zionists were bourgeois from the start!... I came to Israel in 1948 not as a Zionist, but as someone fleeing war-torn Europe. Poland denied Bundists the right to organize, and the few Bundists who came made clear our political position in support of Palestinians, and for a one state solution… The religious Jews had traditionally organized Jewish communities. The Bund came out against both this and Zionism. It began to organize worker cooperatives and the social lives of many Jews. I was at first a member of the Bundist youth organization, SKIF. And some of my friends from SKIF who stayed in Warsaw later fought in the Ghetto resistance” (Yitzhak Luden quoted in Alon Aviram, “Remember the Jewish Labor Bund?”, +972, 25 November 2012: ).