BALTZER, Anna. Re Apartheid Israel: "The ethnic cleansing and apartheid have gone on long enough"

Anna Baltzer is a Jewish-American Columbia graduate, former-Fulbright scholar, the granddaughter of WW2 Jewish Holocaust refugees, and an award-winning lecturer, author, and activist for Palestinian human rights. Anna Baltzer is a volunteer with the International Women's Peace Service in the West Bank and author of the book, “Witness in Palestine: Journal of a Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories” (see: , and ).

Anna Baltzer on Apartheid Israel (2007): “if Israel desires control the territory that it has for more than two-thirds of its history, and to remain the state exclusively of the Jewish people, and to be democratic as well, it must find a way to create a Jewish majority on a strip of land in which the majority of inhabitants are not Jewish. There are only so many possible solutions: there's forced mass transfer (as was tried successfully in 1948, and is currently advocated by Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman), there's mass imprisonment (10,000 plus Palestinians are being held in Israeli jails as I write), there's genocide ... or there is apartheid. The more humane alternatives of Israel withdrawing to the 1967 borders or becoming a state of all citizens are not even on the bargaining table.Apartheid and segregation failed in South Africa and the United States and they will fail in Israel and Palestine. Ethnocentric nationalism failed in Nazi Germany and it will fail in Zionist Israel. But until they do, the Ibrahims and baby Khalids of Palestine are counting on you and me to do something, to say something, since they themselves cannot. Silence is complicity. We cannot wait for things to get worse. The ethnic cleansing and apartheid have gone on long enough..” [1].

Anna Baltzer on Apartheid Israeli racism , genocide and human rights abuses (2010): “The question about recognising Israel's right to exist is a very interesting one and one that is oftentimes not given too much context. So, like I said, Israel is not the state of the people who have lived there for generations but very exclusively of the Jewish people, including even me, even if I never go there. But not of Palestinians, most of whom have been removed from the area. So when you ask a Palestinian person, do you recognise the right for there to be a state on your historic homeland that explicitly excludes you and your children and your people for eternity simply because of your ethnic and religious background? You know if they say I don't think there's a right for that, that's not anti-Semitism. You know, did the Aboriginals recognise the right for there to be a state that should exclude them? You know they recognised that there was a state created and it should include them, rightfully so, and this question as to Palestinians is really pushing them into a corner and asking them to, not only, you know, see that Israel is discriminating against them but that they're supposed to recognise Israel's right to do it… Actually I am hopeful. I am just not hopeful that it will come through the current negotiations where, you know, it's like a prisoner negotiating with a prison guard, is what we see today. I don't think that's going to bear much fruition of peace. However, if we look at historic models and what's happening today with the segregated roads in the West Bank and all of different kinds of segregation is that we see a real link to apartheid South Africa and what happened there. And likewise the struggle against it where people around the world said, you know, if our governments are not going to take a strong stand on this issue and stop the, pouring money into what's happening, we as citizens of the world are not going to profit off of this anymore as individuals and institutions. And thus began a campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions which has grown rapidly today, but towards apartheid Israel, to say that until Israel complies with international law we're not going to treat it like a normal country anymore.” [2].

[1]. Anna Baltzer, “The crime of being born Palestinian”, Electronic Intifada, 25 March 2007: .

[2]. Anna Baltzer interviewed by Mark Colvin, “Activist outlines possibility for 5 new Palestinian Plan”, ABC Radio National. PM, 25 October 2010: .