LEVY, Gideon. Progressive Israeli journalist slams racism of an increasingly Fascist Israel

Gideon Levy is a columnist and editorial board member of the progressive Israeli daily newspaper Ha’aretz (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gideon_Levy ).

Gideon Levy on an increasingly fascist Apartheid Israel (2014): "All the seeds of the incitement of the past few years, all the nationalistic, racist legislation and the incendiary propaganda, the scare campaigns and the subversion of democracy by the right-wing camp – all these have borne fruit, and that fruit is rank and rotten. The nationalist right has now sunk to a new level, with almost the whole country following in its wake. The word 'fascism', which I try to use as little as possible, finally has its deserved place in the Israeli political discourse" [1].

[1]. Gideon Levy quoted in Mike Carlton, “Israel’s rank and rotten fruit is being called fascism”, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 July 2014: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/israels-rank-and-rotten-fruit-is-being-called-fascism-20140724-zwd2t.html .