PORTMAN, Natalie: anti-racist Jewish Israeli-American actress declares "The [Israeli] Nation-State law is racist"

Natalie Portman (anti-racist Jewish Israeli-American actress) on Apartheid Israel’s racist nation-state law (2018): "The Nation-State law is racist. It is a mistake and I don't agree with it ... [people's] lives are [being] affected on a personal level by decisions made by politicians. I only hope that we will be able to truly love our neighbours and that we can work together” (“Natalie Portman slams Israel’s “racist” nation-state law”, Al Jazeera, 13 December 2018: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/12/natalie-portman-slams-israel-racist-nation-state-law-181213080811163.html ).