POLAKOW-SURANSKY, Sasha. Jewish South African American editor exposes Apartheid Israel and Apartheid Israel military, intelligence and nuclear weapons links

Sasha Polakow-Suransky is a Jewish South African, Senior Editor at Foreign Affairs in the US and author of the “The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa” that exposed extensive military and intelligence links and Apartheid Israeli assistance in the development of Apartheid South Africa’s nuclear weapons (see: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sasha-polakowsuransky/hypocrisy-now-the-pro-isr_b_573129.html ).

Sasha Polakow-Suransky on Apartheid Israel-Apartheid South Africa links (2010): “After all, Israel was the most significant arms supplier to that regime throughout the 1980s and served as a lifeline for the apartheid government during a period when Pretoria faced growing international condemnation and heightened domestic unrest (i.e. protests by 80 percent of the population demanding their democratic rights). Anyone who served in the Israeli army during the late 1980s, as Goldberg did, should be well aware of this history. During these years, military intelligence officials from the two countries held annual intelligence-sharing conferences and South African military representatives came to the West Bank to view the anti-riot equipment the Israeli army was using against Palestinians. When foreign journalists in the West Bank encountered visiting South African military officials, the Israeli military censor was quickly ordered to hush it up. Back in South Africa, a large contingent of Israeli rocketry experts was holed up in the seaside town of Arniston helping the South African government put the finishing touches on ballistic missiles intended to carry its next generation of nuclear weapons.’ [1].

[1]. Sasha Polakow-Suransky , “Hypocrisy now!: the pro-Israel crowd’s sins of omission. Huffington Post, 12 May 2010: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sasha-polakowsuransky/hypocrisy-now-the-pro-isr_b_573129.html .