Step one (brainstorming activity): the teacher announces the new topic of the lesson (London) and uses the method I know/I want to know/I have leant in order to gather the information that the students already have on the topic and also their curiosities. For those who are not familiar with the method, you have to draw a table with three columns: I know...with all the pieces of information about London gathered from the students;I want to know... with their questions about London; the third column, I have learnt...will be filled in after they see all the materials on London, trying to find the answers to their own questions about London. If there are questions with no answer found in the materials, they will have to do some research work in order to find them.

Step 2 (listening/watching activity): watching the movies on London, one in which is used British English and another one in which is used American English. After watching the videos, they will have to answer a few questions, designed to check their understanding of the information. Here are the two videos:

Answer the following questions:

  1. Is London Bridge the same as the Tower Bridge?

  2. When was the Tower Bridge built?

  3. Can you mention three museums in London?

  4. What are the former names of the Big Ben?

  5. When was the London Eye opened to the public?

  6. Which is London's main park?

  7. When was Piccadilly Circus built?

  8. What is the official residence of the Monarchy?

  9. By which state is now Harrod's owned?

  10. Where is the Cyberdog store located?

( Make sure the students see these questions before watching the videos, so they know what information to identify)

Step 3 (speaking activity) : Did you know?

The students will see and discuss the short movies about the less known things in London. The discussion will be guided by the teacher. Example questions for the teacher: "Do you consider this to be an interesting idea?" "Have you heard of a similiar thing in another city?" "Would you like to have this in our city?' etc

Step 4: Evaluation - project

The students will have to make a presentation of their favourite part of London (place, museum, monument, pub etc) in the form of a Power Point presentation , a short movie or a poster with pictures and descriptions. They can also work in teams of maximum 4 members. Don't forget to set clear requirements for the projects and a deadline!