Hello there!

I'm Nathan, the creator of Re-Truth. (and yes, that's the name of the game now)

As you may have seen, I have decided to take an Indefinite Hiatus while I improve my skills (and my motivation to work). Don't worry though, this is not a project I plan to stop working on entirely, I'm just going to take this off my mind for a while, and pick a random date in a few years to remind myself of it. Recently, I've been struggling to try and work on the game, and even though I've had a lot of time, The combination of my cluelessness on where to start, and my master procrastination skills, have made it so that not a lot of progress has been made. Even with all the guilt I'm feeling for not working on this project, this is still the longest-running project I've ever worked on without procrastinating to the point of halting. I can write 6 pages of a book and get bored, or spend 3 minutes making a piece of music that not even I will see again, but it's not every day that I write 2077 lines of code (including comments).

Instead of trying to work on this, I've decided that I'm going to try and do other stuff with my time and effort, such as:

-Learning Unity, or a similar Game Engine to improve my skills at Game Design.

-Participating in a few Game Jams, to improve my skills at making things work within a Deadline

-Just generally working on other things with my life that don't involve feeling guilty about the game.

Anyways, if you're looking for lore stuff with the game, and I know that not a lot of people actually look at this website, (and yes I've seen the statistics, yes, I was lying when I said my game was popular,) I wouldn't bother with that. The only thing that's going to change in the lore is the date things happen. I'm not sure when I'm going to start things back up, and I'm not sure what my state is going to be like in the future, but I do see myself coming back, and at least improving the code I have out now, so that it at least doesn't have all the flaws that I know it does now.

Finally, Thanks for sticking with me here. If you're reading this, it means you were at-least somewhat interested in my game. Shoot me an email or something, as if you really like this game, I would love to get in touch. There's really only two people who are going to read this that I know about, and honestly, I'm probably just going to tell them myself, but with my minimum advertising about this, I at least hope someone decides to look at this later on.


Nathan Schierer


Hello Again!

It's not really conventional to go back to a project on hiatus before you're ready to start working on it again, but I should say, that I have recently gone and posted my site onto Itch.io! This is not a thing I realized I could do until Treeway on discord asked about the game, and told me I should put it on itch.

Anyways, I'm not planning on coming back full-time yet, but I do know that the sudden influx of people playing my game will probably lead to more and more people giving me bug reports and questions, so I will at least be coming back to check those every now and then.

Also, if you're reading this, please feel free to ask a question, because I enjoy hearing from everyone about my game. Not that a lot of people have actually read through the stuff on the site until yesterday/today, so I look forward to seeing what people have to say.

Also, I was on the google analytics page I have for this site, and saw that 40 new people had come by! Hello People! Thanks for checking out my game.

Thanks for everything guys, I promise to be back soon.

Nathan Schierer: Now official game dev, Or at least one that has made a single game.


Twitter: @NathanSchierer

Websites: sites.google.com/view/nathansgame and https://ncsasp.itch.io/retruth

Patreon: N/A

Kofi: N/A



Contact me: therealtherealncsasp@gmail.com

you can find the Creative Manager Contract here. Please read it before contacting me.


I'm more hungry than earlier

i swear to FUCKING god, that if ANYONE, writes ONE GODDAMN '(mockingly) ohh nathan when are you going to come back' in the Q&A, or in the FOCKING BUG REPORTS, I will come to your house, and Shit Your Pants.

also how did you like that fancy secret? I realized I could do that and it was funny.

still no lore significance tho.