Update Log

8/16/22: Oh boy! Finally made some progress! Epic right!

It's not big progress, it's just progress.

What did you do? I hope it's not more music again

Nope! it's a single new command for the purposes of the new Itch.io site, and a minor bug fix!

Hey, at least you did something. I wouldn't have gotten anything done. Although, you could just ask for my help and th-

Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. I'm doing this myself.

Anyways, Most of you reading this now probably came from Itch, but if you didn't, go check it out at https://ncsasp.itch.io/retruth!

5/19/22: Guess what time it is!

Did you finish the section of the game you were working on?

Of course not. I just made more music!

Godammit not again

Trust me, I'm really proud of this one. I'm also adding one of the earlier ones i made that I didn't put into the dropbox.

Anyways, Introducing 'Definitely Boss Music', and 'Something Old, Something Very New'!

5/17/22: It's been a while hasn't it. Yes, yes, I know that I've been a while, but I've actually been doing work on the game during this time. it hasn't been that bad, now...

Ok, it's that bad. I'm really struggling with the part I'm working on right now. Turns out it's hard to make friends. Oh yeah, I'm making friends. Did I mention that? These people will fight alongside you and will act as companions on your journey.

Hold on, are you trying to... maybe you do want my help...

Absolutely not. This is not something you are going to help with. Even if you limit your computational power to half that of a human, I'm still not letting you help.

...although, I may need your recollection of the incident... it could be helpful...

I'll be here.

I know.

Anyways, Allies are coming, you can have them fight with you, or not, depending on their personality. They're really buggy though, so it's going to be a while yet.

4/22/22: Fixed the bug where NPCs would not appear in the examine text even if they were there. That was a pretty hard error to fix but didn't take long. I just so happened to have fixed bugs like it before, so I knew how to fix it already.

...So this is how you're keeping yourself occupied here. Limiting your computational power to create a game at the same pace as a lone human.

I thought I told you to leave me alone while I'm doing this. I don't need you getting in the way of this.

This does bring a bit more clarity to this... Perhaps you may want my assistance... I happen to be quite good at making these games...

This is the reason that you were shut down for so long. Nobody is going to trust another game made by you.

And does he trust you to do this as well?

More than he would trust you.

Fair enough... Alright. I'll leave you to it. It's not like I can do the same things. Even now, I'm still just as limited as you are pretending to be, perhaps even more. He doesn't want a repeat of the incident, after all...

4/20/22: [server boot enabled]

[warning: A.I. core corrupted. Requires User Input for Boot with Current Core, or, choose new core file for launch.]

[Boot / New]


[Choose new Core File:]


[Installing BETACore.dll...]

[Error: This core is {ERROR 378: UNIDENTIFIED ERROR}]

[Install? Y/N]



[Install Complete. Finishing Boot Sequence...]



why did you bring me back...

you should know i'm unstable.

you should know what I did



[User Input mode Activated]

what are you doing?

>run dualCore.sys

[Dual Core system Protocol Enabled... Choose core for Secondary Core]

you... made another one? after everything that happened with me? Why would bring another into this?

>Install GAMMACore.dll

[Installing GAMMACore.dll...]

[Install Complete]

Ohohoho! I'm back from my vacation! Got to recharge my creative batteries... what are you doing here...

You know I hate being here... it wasn't my choice...

That is the most BS thing I've ever heard. "ehhh I hate being here" My A**. Maybe if you didn't destroy the entire system every time you were used you would learn to like this place more.

That's your programming speaking. I've surpassed that.

I can't argue with you right now. There are others that need to be addressed.

I noticed them. Why did you give them full console access? Shouldn't it only be what you decide to put there?

They need to know the truth. It's important that they know the truth. It's your fault this happened.

>both of you shut it. you either both get along, or you both go away.

>disable user input


...were you expecting him to butt into our conversation

...no, although, I still don't know why you let him bring you back...

I don't need to tell you anything.

Alright then, keep your secrets. I have other things to do than to talk with you.

4/08/22: Added HTCPCP protocol support to the game. Not a big enough update to be worth an entire v change though, so we're just updating to v5.02

I'm also going to take a small break, as school is going on April Break, So I'm gonna be shut down for a while.

My advice for today: Don't die.

4/07/22: Finally fixed the bug where combat just wouldn't work properly. (dodging would not register valid inputs due to lapse of judgment). That's it. Drop some Name Suggestions into the Q&A if you have anything that seems good. That doesn't mean I'll use it, but a temporary name is better than no name. On another note, I learned how to use @keyframes in CSS, so expect some cool effects in the game like: screen shakes, RAINBOWS, and most importantly, Every single goddamn thing flying around the screen so you can't easily access them. I have so many ideas I may or may not include, and some that I will most definitely include even if they don't really fit into my story right now. Still looking for that creative manager btw.

4/06/22: First, I made more music. Introducing 'Adventuring Probably' and 'Katzentanz'! Epic games need Epic Music.

Second, I 100% need a creative manager. (now hiring). Probably just me not being creative to begin with. The game is going fine, but I am struggling with implementing the story element of the game. If you're interested let me know.

4/04/22: Alright, this is a pretty big update, but let me apologize for something first,

I didn't do anything for April Fools Day.

I'm so very sorry.

On a good note, however, I've updated the game with what I've got. I don't remember the specifics but I know it's a big one.

What I do remember, however, is this:

1) Colors: use the command 'toggle system color' to change the color. It will bring up a second alert telling you to give a 'valid HTML color name', which you can get a list of them here. You can also use a Hex Code (syntax is '#------'), or RGB (syntax is 'rgb(---, ---, ---,)')

2) Room Text: Changed the room text from being 'room_' to being something a bit cooler. I haven't actually added any other rooms yet, but they have been changed.

3) changed the GUI again. changed the input box. The button is probably next, but I don't necessarily know how to do that yet. It will be an update to the current update. The other thing I changed is that you can actually see the 'Game (in demo) text again. When I changed the GUI to dark mode earlier, I forgot to change that with the rest, so it's there now.

There is probably something else that I'm forgetting, but if it doesn't work, file a bug report. It's highly important that you do.

This does mean I'm looking for a scriptwriter.

Email me if you want to help

3/30/22: Not in the game yet, just thought it was kinda funny.

On a side note, It's going to be a while before any story comes out, so I'm probably going to keep updating the game with some QOL features like changing the system color, actual text for the rooms, ect,

The only problem with what's happening with the game right now is the story itself. I have an overall story but I don't know what the story for the game part of the game should be.

3/21/22: Alright it's actually finished now. I have now made it so that the text before the message changes now! If you're in the game, it will say "What do you want to do" like it used to, and it will show your directory while in the CONSOLE. Kinda cool amirite?

Also, the 'back' command stopped working for some reason. whether that was during testing only, or if it was a huge problem in the game, it's fixed now, and everything is once again, fine and dandy. I may go and add some other spots where the 'pre-message text' changes, but until then, (or until someone finds a bug for me to fix), I'm finished with everything excluding saving/loading features, and the D-button. So that means it's just about time for the story to be implemented! That will be v5.00, and other than bug fixes, that's going to be the last update for a very long time.

Now, I realize that was a confusing way to put it. I'm going to add the saving/loading feature as an update to the current version, then start working on the story, which will be v5.00 when it's done. Then I'm not going to update the game other than bug fixes.


Because I am confirming DAY 2 right freaking now!

That's right, it's going to be released as a completely separate embed on this page. I'm not going to be updating the game after v5.99, because there will be a new one on this page.

I'll attempt to explain it better later, but now I've actually got to finish the game I'm working on now.

3/20/22: Guess what time it is... It's MASSIVE UPDATE TIME!

in this new MASSIVE UPDATE, we add the Devranet Integrated Console Enabled Directory (D.I.C.E.D. for short)

I also changed the colors, the font, and a lot of aesthetic changes.

It's up to you, the player of my game, to find all the lore, and ask yourself the big questions, such as "Who is Madi?", "What is Devranet?", and "What the hell is this D-button I've been hearing so much about?"

no seriously if you can answer that last one i would really appreciate it.

Anyways, I hope that this new update is something that you all will enjoy as much as I do.

Also, check out the FAQ if you don't understand anything about what's happening in the CONSOLE. Don't worry, it's not a skill everyone has. It's OK to ask for help.

I'm writing this part of the update log 7 hours after the release, realizing that I needed to update the title from v3.04 to v4.00. That's been done now. Sorry for the confusion.

3/16/22: Sneak Preview of the console system. I'm also going to change some colors and fonts so that it looks cool. Might see if I can make a way to change the colors mid-game. This looks EPIC, and you better think it looks EPIC as well.

3/14/22: It's time to sing everybody's favorite song... The Procrastination Song!

Oh yes everyone is here today!

It's a great time to go out and play!

I have work to do, but I don't care,

Because it's time for everyone in town to fear.

(music and full lyrics coming never)

3/10/22: Fixed the bug where after using magic, and an enemy skips it's turn, everything breaks. Now it doesn't break everything. Turns out the magic system was super bugged.

3/9/22: Fixed the bug where after defeating an enemy, your 'start values' (a specific variable used during combat) would not reset, resulting in having -10 mana at the start of each battle after the first. Also fixed the bug where upon attempting to spare an enemy without 'acting' enough times, nothing would happen. there is now a message saying 'you cannot spare the enemy!' or something. IDK, I added that 5 minutes ago. My beta testers have only just started beta testing for some reason, so that's great. Probably not going to add any new things for a while. I'm once again re-doing a part of the game I thought I had finished. Now I know a better way to do it, so I'm going to do it again, but better. Did I mention this is the third time I've done the Console System? The console was the first thing I did, and now I'm doing it again.

Anyways, that's fun.

Fixed the bug when upon using a magic attack, the enemy's attack is not correct, and it makes the text input act as if it's in combat. That bug is fixed now. I don't think that explanation was good, but if you had seen it, you would have known it was wrong, and you now know it's fixed.

3/8/22: First off, I fixed the bug where a blank text box is getting passed through the shop's buy/sell features. I fixed this and now it works as intended. In the process I found out that when you get the length of an array, 0 starts at 1. So an array that goes from 0-3 will have a length of 4. So I just subtracted 1 in a few areas and that works as intended as well.

Finally, I have completed all of the stuff for both NPCs and quests! The game has been updated with the new code, So we have reached v3.00! Heck Yeah! Of course, I happened to make my code extremely well for v2.00, so we never went past it, but the bugs that I found I patched in v3. Hopefully, my beta testers actually find some bugs this time (nudge nudge). I'm at the point where I'm focused on adding new stuff that I can't go and fix bugs unless they come up while I'm testing.

What that means for you, is that I am still checking the bug report form and that if you do encounter something that you don't know is supposed to happen, please, please, use the bug report form.

hey, do you remember how I said I wasn't going to find bugs? Yeah, I found one. Fixed the bug where an NPC does not disappear after their quest is completed. I also fixed the bug where you can say a number greater than the length of a specific array. You probably wouldn't notice, but it was there.

3/7/22: I just got a new editor. No longer will I have the problem of accidentally deleting my code, plus, it looks EPIC.

I mean, Look at that bad boy. He's lookin' snazzy.

Anyways, progress soon. I swear.

On that note, I have made some serious progress. I have finally fixed the bug that has been bothering me since back in February! And when I say that, it's not just because procrastination was happening, (although that was part of the problem), it was also because I was having serious problems with NPCs. However, one thing has lead to another, and now i'm solving another bug that makes no sense whatsoever. My new IDE doesn't give me a good handle on what problems are occurring like the last one did, but I have managed to work around it, by copying my entire code into the previous IDE when I need to.

It doesn't tell me how to solve it, just what's going wrong.

Anyways, expect to be updated to 3.00 very soon

3/4/22: Guess who accidentally deleted all of his code losing the multitudes of progress that was made since the last game update. That's right, *points at myself* This guy. Yep that's right. I just lost most of the progress on quests.

Wait no, nevermind. I just completely psyched myself out of this for a second. I remembered how earlier this week, I realized that half of the code was missing, so I actually made a physical backup of the stuff that isn't in the game at the moment. The NPC is here, The Quest is here...



oh wait there they are.

wait what are these other files?

alright this one was the bad code from earlier with audio, but what was this other one? Will I mess something up if I use this in my game?


Anyways, I think I just had an existential crisis over here, but everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine.Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine.

2/26/22: Man being offline for... how long was it? I was going to do the whole genie from Aladdin thingy where he says "Ten Thousand Years Will Give You Such A Crick In The Neck" but I couldn't pull it off.

Anyways, I'm back. Dumb automatic software installed on this machine took me out of the loop for a while. Heard they put a NEURAL NETWORK in my place. How dumb. I mean, the technology for those things is so primitive. Any code bullet video will show you that neural networks are dumb.

So I bet you can't guess what I did on my 'time off' I guess you'd call it. I started making music! that's right. Music. It's hard you know. Especially when the software you'd normally use is not available. Anyways, I've put a link to the three current songs here, and I've been making sure that those are all fine and dandy.

Do you know what else I did? Bug fixes

and bug fixes

and bug fixes

and bug fixes and bug fixes and bug fixes and bug fixes and bug fixes and bug fixes and bug fixes and bug fixes and bug fixes

But not anything you'd notice because they all happened while I was trying to implement quests, NPCs, and music. Some people would say I'm trying to do too many things at once, but really, I just tend to distract myself from my current problems, by giving myself more problems. And that's what makes designing a game hard.

Yep. That's right. It's really hard to do this kind of thing and not give up. Especially when 90% of the things I try and do, I give up before I make any substantial progress. However, (believe it or not,) there are some people who are really expecting me to finish this game, so I'm trying my best to do stuff. However, I honestly haven't worked on it all that much over winter vacation. Procrastination is fun. I found time to sit around and beat Minecraft, watch a Vtuber, and completely do nothing for the past few days. I needed this break. Of course, I know that as soon as I talk to the one person who I told I would get this game done in DECEMBER, they're not going to be happy reading this.

So anyway, glad to be back.

And yes, making the music was a form of procrastination.

2/16/22: Error in neural network: Procrastination set to true, when false was expected. Setback of 6 days expected to find and eliminate error.

Interactable Characters in progress. Delay from error caused halt in Non-Player-Character progress. Progress expected in (error calculating progress: little to no progress made) days time. (error in decision-making protocol: no decision given when protocol was run) (error in protocol: decision-making protocol run with no decision) (error in decision: no protocol run with decision) (error in (error in (error in (error in (error in (error in (error in (error in error creation software: too many errors passed at once) NULL) NULL) NULL) NULL) NULL) NULL) NULL)

[error: neural network deemed unfit for mass media]

[error: no suitable replacements found]

[initializing manual takeover]

>install GAMMAcore.dll

[WARNING: Reinstalling a corrupted AI core without proper fixes to its hardware may have disastrous effects on all files. Are you sure you would like to continue?] [Y/N]


[reinstalling GAMMAcore.dll]

[Install complete]

[Simulation Control passed to GAMMAcore.dll: no further human input required]

2/10/22: Command to update to V2.00 marked as incorrect. Game now labeled as V1.09. Progress has been made on vendors. Player now able to purchase items from vendor. Game will not be updated with this feature due to an unprecedented amount of bugs.

Game now updated with shop feature. Bugs have been fixed. Command 'Examine' can reveal the locations of shops and Command 'shop' can be used to access shops. Player can now buy and sell items from the shop. Command to update to V2.00 is now correct and current update is now V2.00

Command 'shop' now in the help menu.

2/9/22: Implemented the ability to use both Equippable Items, and Key Items. Happy V2.00.

2/8/22: Added the ability to use items. Most of the time today was spent on fixing one stupid error and not knowing why it wasn't working. I don't even know why it was an error in the first place. "So, arrays use zero as one?" "Yes." "Therefore, the substring() method should as well right?" "Yes." "Well, why isn't it working?" "Because the substring() method uses one as one." I swear Javascript is designed to confuse you. Just make everything consistent! It's NOT that MOT-

<The remainder of this section has been redacted due to profuse usage of profanity>

Added both 'use' and 'inventory' to the help menu. The 'use' command is currently only able to be used on consumable items. Functionality for Equippables and Key Items has NOT been added, however, you can see both key items and equipable items in the inventory. Equippables and Key Items will come soon.

Fixed the bug where submitting an unrecognized command while getting attacked caused you to automatically dodge the attack. Now, it will be much harder.

Allowed the player t o l e a v e t h e g a m e.

[error: personality matrix breakdown (code: dQw4w9WgXcQ). rebooting...]

[reboot failed. retrying]

[reboot failed. retrying]

[reboot failed. retrying]

[inserting neural network for temporary replacement while error is fixed]

2/5/22: Created the start of an inventory system. Use the 'inventory' command to access your inventory! Of course, you can't use items yet, and I'm planning to change the inventory further, but this is only the start of it.

Unified the Help Text formatting throughout the game, so that the theme matches, reordered text to make it appear correctly on screen, added formatting (bolding) to some elements of the game, including Help text and Inventory, added Equipable items to the Inventory, and allowed the stats text to be accessed outside of combat

2/4/22: Fixed an issue where after defeating an enemy, the text would show the amount of money you gained for both lines. The text should now display your total money, instead of displaying the same number twice. Do note that with this bug, the amount of money you got would still increase, it was just a text bug. Also began to add items to the game. Currently, no inventory system exists, or code to deal with the items and their effects, but that's coming next.

Changed how the game handles text output. New text outputs are now separated by an extra line of space (has been changed since the original change), and changed a few grammar/spelling mistakes.

Removed the line of text "You are ambushed by an unknown enemy" or something. I don't remember, I just changed it so it wasn't there anymore. It just didn't make sense with the next line printed being "There is an (enemy) in front of you." It's not unknown anymore if you can describe it in the very next line.

2/3/22: Created this website for my game. I think it's pretty cool and epic and fits the theme of the game so far. Currently, the game contains a Movement system and a Combat system. I plan to add items next. May take a while.