If you encounter a bug within the game, please fill out this short form to give me an idea of:
A) where the bug is

B) what the bug is

C) how bad the bug is

If for whatever reason there is a bug in the bug report, or you can't describe the bug within the Bug Report, please send me an email and I will get to it as soon as possible.

DISCLAIMER: I take priority ratings with a grain of salt. By that I mean, I'm still going to judge your bug's priority rating on my own, but your opinion is invaluable, and we are supportive here on this website.
DISCLAIMER 2: I appreciate the sentiment, but the bug report is NOT bugged because I put the rating on a scale of 1-8 instead of at 1-10, I will not be changing it any time soon.
DISCLAIMER 3: Guys you're going to have to stop telling me I'm wrong for making my scale 1-8. I can move it up to 1-9 if you keep asking, and I will. I'm not afraid to abuse my power as the supreme overlord of this website to make your lives an absolute living hell.
DISCLAIMER 4: Ok. I'm doing it. The rating scale is now 1-9. Suffer for all I care. It's my website I can do whatever the hell I like.
DISCLAIMER 5: Recently, the amount of bug reports submitted about the Bug Report form, is much more concerning than the actual bugs being submitted. and by that, I mean that NOBODY, and I really mean, NOBODY Has submitted a single bug report about the game. However, I woke up this morning to around 531 notifications from this form saying that I'm a crazy person for making this form so completely and utterly mad. I am now turning off the ability to submit multiple responses for you guys, as you guys have abused your privileges too much.
DISCLAIMER 6: ...the number of responses I got on this form doubled in 20 minutes after I did that. It turns out that each and every single one of those responses was filled out by a different person. I knew this game was going to get popular, but I didn't think that it would be popular, ONLY because of the dumb bug report form.
DISCLAIMER 7: I'm going to try to negotiate here. I need to find some way to stop you guys from submitting bug reports on the form because you are literally DDOSing people who want to actually submit a bug report. Can we take this to the DM's so that I can actually have a decent game?
DISCLAIMER 8: Ok, first off, 90% of you literally texted me with one word: no. And that was it. Back to the bug report form you guys went. What's really surprising is that you guys are still sending in hundreds of responses an hour, even while I'm limiting the number of responses you can send. That's some serious commitment. I have to say, I'm very impressed.
DISCLAIMER 9: Just because I'm impressed does not mean I'm going to change the rating scheme from 1-9 to 1-10.
DISCLAIMER 10: OK guys, you win. A few of you showed up at my house. Now, it wasn't a lot of you, but you did. There were 3 people at my door this morning, and they had paper copies of the bug report forms. Filled out, saying that I should still change the rating scheme. And because I was scared, I invited them inside for tea. They were actually genuinely nice people. Especially you Madi. I know you're reading this and I would love it if you could come over again some time. Then, I went over to my computer, and being scared they were going to dox me, I went and changed the google form in front of them to have the rating go from 1 to 10. So congratulations, you guys won this long battle. Now everyone, please leave the bug report form the heck alone. I'm done fighting this battle, and, you know what, I'll stop thinking about changing it to 1-11 too. That would cause the three of you to start blackmailing me again. And I know for sure that I don't want that.
DISCLAIMER 11: No, the bug report form is not for coming out. I do not want to listen to your confession that you've been a lesbian your whole life, I literally could not care less. Please save the bug report form for problems with the game, not problems with you and your family.